message4michelle Member


  • You've got me beat for weight lost (awesome work!!), but you're the closest I've found to a twin so far. Height: 5'3" Age: 36 Highest Weight: 242 Current Weight: 129 Goal Weight: 116-121
  • Height: 5'3" Age: 36 Highest Weight: 242 Current Weight: 129 Goal Weight: 116-121
  • This may be the best post on MFP!
  • I've had this issue as well. I often track all my meals first thing in the morning. It seems that whatever I add to MFP is also added to FB. But sometimes I delete things from MFT because I don't actually eat them, and I add other things in their place. The items I delete from MFP don't get removed from FB. At least I…
  • I can't agree more! As much as I HATE cameras, I really wish I had taken some "before" pictures. I had to really dig to find one. As horrible as it may seem, I think it's important. I would also advise you to take measurements. It will be so incredibly satisfying to compare with them after you've started losing weight and…
  • Pick me, pick me! I'd love some more "maintaining" friends. While I am still trying to lose, I am at a healthy weight after being obese most of my life.
  • Yes! Good idea! Especially if it is difficult for you to plan healthy meals at certain times of day. Three full healthy meals are much easier to plan than several meals and snacks throughout the day. It's easier to make it a routine as well, which helps so much.
  • I agree. It's probably a good idea to have a goal range rather than a specific number. Maybe switch to maintenance when you're at or near the bottom of your goal range. Then, it won't be such a setback if you gain a bit while trying to find the right calorie count to maintain.
  • I’m not a scientist, so bear with me. I’ll explain it as well as I understand it. When sugar is eaten in its natural form (fruit, vegetables, grains…) it is different in 2 major ways from processed sugar. First, it is less sweet. This causes our brains to have less of a “reward response” when eating it. Second, the sugar…
  • Some people will tell you you’re ridiculous to think you’re addicted to carbs, but I know sugar addiction is a real thing! Very recently, I’ve learned to treat it like any other addiction. I know I can’t eat sugar “in moderation” and be healthy. Eating it in moderation leads to intensified cravings and overeating. Just…
  • Friends are awesome!! Let's all build ourselves a support system here!
  • Congratulations! You two are awesome! You must be inspiring so many people to improve their health. Prove to them what's possible!
  • Hi! I'm 5'3". Most would call me a shorty, but you may have a different opinion. ;) At my heaviest, I was 242 lbs wearing size 22 pants and 3X shirts. I'm now nearing my final weight loss goal and am so confident that I'll get there and maintain it. We're at different stages of this journey, but I bet we can encourage each…
  • That moment when you realize arm pits are actually supposed to be pits. It's hard to shave your pits when you're thin. How am I supposed to get a razor in there?
  • Today I... completed my 68th day following my new dietary plan!
  • SW:(Starting weight) 242 CW:(Current weight) 136.6 GW:(Goal weight for this month) 132 Weigh in dates: Start of the month(04/01 Friday): 136.6 04/02 Sat: 04/09 Sat: 04/16 Sat: 04/23 Sat: End of the month(04/30 Saturday): Total weight lost: 105.4 I've been losing weight for a while now, but this last bit has been harder…