Elwin12 Member


  • I am eating mostly the same thing every breakfast and lunch. Breakfast: one cup coffee with silk soy creamer; one over easy egg + one slice of canadian bacon in a low carb wrap. Eaten in the car on the way to work. Snack: Luna Protein bar or 2% Chobani yogurt or homemade iced coffee (which is a real appetite killer for…
  • Hi Billie! I wish I was 28 and could learn then what I am learning now. About eating, I mean. Well, maybe a few other things too. :smile:
  • Slimfast is a jangly piece of fake jewelry. It's a marketing ploy to make money, not to help human beings figure out what is best for their own particular body. Use My Fitness Pal. Track everything you eat. Start learning to put different, better things into your mouth. Experiment. Be willing to try different combinations…
    in Slim fast Comment by Elwin12 May 2016