sarahwylder Member


  • My pleasure Gamliela!
  • Hi ChangeAddict, QueenPAC and justme888. It's really common to want to eat in the evenings so you are definitely not alone here. If you are trying to diet during the day, it may be as simple as you just aren't eating enough during the day for your body's needs. Other common reasons for night time eating are: a. You could…
  • Hi Linda, welcome and good luck on your journey. I’ve been a yo-yo dieter my whole life since I was about 8 years old until a few years ago. I've had to look long and hard at my relationship with food because I had serious emotional eating and bingeing tendencies. No diet will ever address these problems - they need a…
  • ab, I feel for you. I always struggle with Easter because it is suddenly acceptable to buy and bring huge amounts of chocolate into the house. It is hard to have it just sitting there. If it is in the house, I eat it.
  • I just wanted to say good luck! You sound like you have a sensible plan here. How are you doing now?
  • "Today im gonna stop making excuses stop looking for the nxt book to fix my problems stop blaming it on easter or stress or pmdd or going to own it and do better...we all can beat this!" Fighting talk! What's your plan? I am struggling with all the Easter chocolate around.
  • Hi Nettmg1521, a positive here is that you are recognising when you are heading for food. It may not feel so positive but you can't change anything if you don't know you are doing it. Mindless eating happens when we are on autopilot. I can turn off my brain and binge and then not be able to tell you exactly what I ate! My…
    in Help Comment by sarahwylder March 2016