betrue95 Member


  • My daughter is back from University and she is trying to workout and get healthy so I was thinking last night that I need to be an example. How can I tell her to be healthy if I'm not?
  • It's a battle a lot of us face so we hear you. I have the same issues and have good weeks and really bad weeks, especially if stressed. It's so hard to get your mind back on track. I am trying to remember that I am in control of my body - self talk (positive) sometimes helps. For example, yesterday I was out for lunch…
  • I hear you - I eat well all day (even pack a really healthy lunch), and then after supper it's all down hill - this happens every night. Boredom or it makes me feel good to relax and eat...I just feel so out of control at times.
  • I also am working on this and would like to see responses.
  • I wish there was a like button ;) mweckler - looks like an awesome trip. Great to hear you are doing well with eating, and sounds like getting a lot of exercise. Snow here so enjoy
  • Actually worked out yesterday afternoon for half an hour on the treadmill as we got the TV set up in my exercise room. Even my daughter was in there. Awesome as we can watch pretty much anything while working out. I hope I can keep it up.
  • Yes - 9 days is awesome!!
  • msty112 - let us know how your therapy goes.
  • Someone linked to this group
  • ab6046 - Do you generally go to a nutritionist or is this the first time? I have thought about going or to a naturopath (except I know they will try to get me to go off them). Let me know if it helps.
  • mweckler - would love to be heading to Disney!! Hope you have an awesome time once you are all packed and ready to go!
  • respectthekitty - I'm the same. Sometimes i hit the alarm for half an hour or more. Glad you are able to hit the gym at lunch. :p :p
  • That's great gbread2 - way to go!
  • For me, I love TV series - so I've asked my husband to set up the TV in my exercise room downstairs so that I can watch while I'm on the eliptical or treadmill. This should be done in the next week so I'm excited for this.
  • youngmomtaz - this is exactly what I go through but I go through it after dinner. It's so frustrating.
  • I like to be able to check in and see what others are going through. It's nice checking in and seeing that someone has commented on something I've written. I also like to be able to comment on other's posts in a positive way, maybe relate to what they are going through. I think having a support group where people…
  • msty112 - that's great. One day at a time :)
  • Glad you are here youngmomtaz. I found this group today as well and already it has made me feel like I'm not alone. ab6046 - I'm the same that I usually just dive in. I have tried typing in my blog but I think knowing there are others here that feel similar and offer support is awesome.
  • I feel for you ab6046. I was able to get past my usual time of overeating after dinner as I was out and busy. I am now home and relaxing and watching Grey's Anatomy, and the first thing I want to do it go get something to eat. That's how it starts....sigh. This nagging feeling like I just want to eat and be full. So, I'm…
  • 1. Real name: Tricia 2. Married: coming up on 21 years 3. Kids: 3 (2 - teens, 1 tween) 4. Pets: 1 small dog, *kitten*...zoo (literally - drives me nuts) 5. Home place: Ontario 6. Career/job: Human Resources 7. Hobbies: reading, binge watching tv series, watching movies, camping 8. Favorite color: blue 9. Beach, mountains,…
  • My name is Tricia. I am 42 years old, mother of three. I have not been diagnosed with an eating disorder (so far); however, I have always been able to exercise to keep my weight down so I've "felt like I've managed it". I have recently been diagnosed with depression, and I've started taking meds for that (which has been a…
    in Welcome Comment by betrue95 March 2016
  • I just joined so i will take some time this week to get caught up on this group and read the posts. I have been looking for support to help with binge eating for too long and this group looks like it is very supportive. I'd like to be able to help where I can too.