taylorro Member


  • Exactly! Hold yourself accountable, the only person who can change your current position is you. You have to put in the work and have the mindset that I am going to do this.
  • As far as getting your mindset right, that's up to you, you have to want it. For me it was just being fed up with where I was physically and knowing that I needed to change for many reasons. Everyday is a struggle to stay on track but as long as the good days out weigh the bad then you're okay. I lost 80lbs and then…
  • Fasting has been beneficial for me. I eat to my calories everyday, I make my macros and I have more energy everyday. I do 16:8 besides for weekends, and for me that was really crucial to my first steps in weight loss. I have lost about 70lbs so far. I think as long as you aren't extreme with it and you follow the proper…
  • That's how I am, I weight myself every morning but only count my Monday weigh ins. I also will weigh myself at night just to see the difference from the day. Doing it every morning keeps me motivated and also allows me to watch trends.
  • I personally focus on Calories but I pay attention to my macros, I like watching them and getting in the habit of knowing whats in all the food I eat. I try to stay under my current macro goals but if I go over and i'm still good on calories its not that big of a deal. Right now my carbs are at about 30%, Fats about 30%…
  • I work a call center desk job as well, for me I walk laps on my breaks and lunches and will eat my lunch at my desk in between calls. Unfortunately its hard for me to do anything in between calls and getting up for any amount of time is pretty much not going to happen. I started this job in Feb of last year and like you I…
  • They aren't necessary, eating right and getting a healthy amount of protein in your diet can be enough. I use them currently for meal replacements when I don't have time to make something. I'd focus more on healthy eating and if you wanted to watch your Macros instead of spending the money on shakes right now.
  • Lost 37lbs so far, would like to lose another 100lbs. Feel free to add me!