RaeRaeCampbell Member


  • This is such a relief! Thanks everyone. Yes, I am on the pill and have been for a few years. I have two children. Prior to/and after having them my periods were "average". They lasted 4-6 days, average flow and cramping. It's only been since I started strength training and HIIT 5-6 days a week that it has gotten…
  • My heart truly hurts for you. I promise it is going to be okay though. Whenever I have moments like this, I think about the vastness of the Universe and how my problems are so minimal in the grand scheme of things...if they are this small, I can certainly overcome them. Then I follow that up by thinking of all the times…
  • add me too! My goal was a 20 lb loss, and im over half way there...sort of plateuing at the moment :) need all the support I can get.
  • That's a relief to hear! Yes, I weigh everything I eat and have been eating only whole foods that I make at home. I workout 6-7 days a week for about 1-1.5 hours each time. I haven't tried measuring myself but I will definitely give that a go. Thanks for the help!