kswan12788 Member


  • For me it was strict calorie counting, no junk food and lots of water (60-80 oz a day) . Protein is your friend, bad carbs (bread, potatoes, candy, etc) are not!
    in Hi Comment by kswan12788 August 2017
  • Im really teying to find help on how best to fuel that 1000 calories to get the maximum nutrition i can out of it.
  • I am also the mother of 4, in a wheelchair because of Chiari. My weight has shot up just in the last year. I lost 40 pounds, was doing really great and then just have up. I've now gained back the weight I lost and am starting over. I have to keep my calorie count right at 1000. Any higher and I gain, any lower and I don't…
  • I am in a wheelchair and 1 1/2 pounds away from losing half of the 60 lbs I gained when I quit smoking 13 months ago. It's slow going when you can't exercise much but I try to stay at 1000 calories (I'm only 5'1" and sedentary) and I really try to go over my protein goals, and stay a little under my carb and fat goals.…
  • It's gotta be Miracle Whip! Mayo is nasty.
  • I'm from Great Falls, went to hs in Helena and went to college in Billings. In Texas now, but I sure miss Montana!