PamLivin Member


  • I eat my own home made Cobb salad every day and it is working, with my home made TV dinners. lots of greens and fruit.
  • Hello all, I have been eating Activa yogurt with cereal over my fresh fruit. Love it. Feels like a treat every day. Someone told me the other day that activa is the worst yogurt for us. Does anyone know if that is true. As of Monday I have lost 30 lbs and went down half in my pain meds for my joints.. Feeling really good I…
  • I am eating more fruit now then I ever have. I don't really care how much sugar is in it because it is natural. I love fruit with yogurt. This has become my new treat.
  • hello all, I am needing to lose 100 lbs so I get healthy and I need two new knees. I am working hard but can't really work out because walking is difficult. I have lost 24 so far. I lost 10 then joined here and I have lost another 14. a long way to go on my own but getting there 1lb at a time. I am really trying to drink…
  • Filled out my first daily and holy $#%. Lots of work to do
  • Hi all, do not know how to add someone yet but I figure it out
  • Thank you Rayne
  • This will be my biggest challenge. I can not seem to drink water. Maybe a half cup a day with meds.