dbrandi0207 Member


  • I can help! Down 65 lbs post C-section, clean eater and training for fitness comp..
  • trish.. if you want post your day here.. ill see what the problem is if you want
  • hi everyone! I do paleo and I am training for a fitness comp in July.. if you need help im here too!
  • Stop with the weighing everyday! Once a week and measurements with orbitape (most accurate) every 2 weeks.. Stop driving yourself nuts.. especially if you're a woman (which I don't know if you are or not).. we have hormones and periods and bloated-ness and stress.. just relax.. eat your macros, workout hard, cheat once a…
  • My advice to you.. find a gym/exercise routine that you love doing..do that instead of binge eating. Keep the cheat meal to once a week, almost like a reward. I love kickboxing when I am stressed and Groupon has all kinds of deals for classes around you. Good luck <3