The biggest negative in your diet is your attitude. You CAN do it, it's not impossible. As with anything, start doing it and eventually it'll become a habit if you are persistent enough.
Holy crap to that last guy, lol Why are bosu ball squats a no? OP I enjoyed watching this video, thank you for sharing. eta: Nevermind, this makes sense
That's ok, you're going to get better. Maybe keep a log of where you're at now (how many reps you can do, etc). Then do it again every week and you'll see yourself improving. Everyone starts somewhere, hang in there.
You don't have to be rude. She's obviously trying to make better food choices and is coming here for help.
I don't, but I'm a 'fly by the seat of your pants' kinda gal when it comes to meal planning lol. If it is working and keeping you motivated and in check, then keep doing it!
Love it, drink it every day. Usually Celestial Seasonings brand, peppermint or black each during the day and sleepytime tea at night.
You went from high cal, processed, grain food diet to ... salad. My tummy would be out of whack too! ;) I'd try adding more protein and seed/grain to the salad (hard boiled eggs, meat, quinoa, cousin cous, sunflower seeds) and see how that feels. You can try drinking lemon ginger tea during the day too, that helps with…
I nursed twins and am now nursing a singleton. She is 11 months, doesn't nurse overnight and nurses maybe 5 times and day. I don't really adjust for nursing with her. How often are the twins nursing? Do they nurse overnight? Do you give them solid foods as well? If they're nursing 5 times a day, no overnights and eating…
No pic because I'm lazy. These are my faves. Avocado toast: 1 slice toast, half an avocado, 1-2 sunny side up eggs on top, hot sauce to finish. So dang good. Flatout roll: 1 wheat flatout bread, 30g of peanut butter, 1 banana Egg scramble: 3 eggs, 1 hot sausage, some avocado I save calories by not using butter or cheese.
Sams Club sells microfiber boy shorts by Ellen Tracy. They're super comfy and don't ride up. I think it's $15/4 pair.
Sorry, but as soon as you saw those two pink lines priorities change. Baby first, then you. Once baby is born (well actually, about 6 weeks after) then you can do as much exercise as you want. Go nuts. But until then, be safe, healthy, and moderate with what you're doing. The general rule is "do what you were doing before,…
You aren't perfect. You will never be perfect. Anyone who wants or expects you to be perfect should be the one cut off, because no one needs that kind of pressure or negativity in life. Stop worrying about what other people think so much. It has to be tiring.
Barefoot. I don't like shoes on in the house and socks are for when I'm being cozy.
4-5am: Wake up, feed baby. Put her back to sleep. 5:00-6:30am: Drink coffee. Eat something. Use bathroom in peace. Take shower in peace. Enjoy the peace. 6:30am: Everyone wakes up. Chaos ensues. 7:30am: Breakfast for all. 8:30-10:30am: Baby naps. Big kids play in playroom usually. I either clean, take a shower, or do…
If your doctors have cleared you, I see no reason why you can't start running. If you haven't exercised since November though, I'd start slow and steady. Congrats on your pregnancy, I know how hard IVF can be and how sweet the reward is.
You can use it for every meal if you wanted to.
Thanks guys! I will put it in my pocket on my heavy shopping days so I get some credit :)
There are some people who gush about their SOs, but how am I to know whether or not they're cheaters? I've never really cared enough to put a lot of thought into this. This seems more like a dig at particular MFP members here, as you observe that some of them are married but "flirting", so you've made the assumption…
If it's a snack for YOUR kid and only your kid, then the teacher shouldn't say anything. But if it's a day that you're supposed to provide snacks for the whole class, then yes, she can say something. Schools here do have guidelines on what sort of snacks you're supposed to bring to class (no peanuts, no excess sugar, etc).…
@mroyat94 Check out Fitness Marshall on Youtube. It's a blast.
Same, I much prefer lifting to cardio. Cardio bores me to tears!
Thanks Niner!
Thank you for your insight! I'm a newbie to lifting, and I'm currently losing weight and seeing new muscle (or maybe not new muscle, but muscle that was hiding under fat?) I have about 15 lbs I'd like to lose, but I really like lifting and want to get more muscular. So should I plan to continue my calorie deficit until I…
Before kids, yes. After kids, I wish. I like first person shooters, primarily xbox. Fallout (and all versions) is probably my favorite game, followed by Mass Effect, Skyrim, Bioshock, etc. My husband and I like co-op Gears of War and Army of 2.
@Michael190lbs I'm drooling, that looks delicious! Thanks guys for the ideas! I am realizing I need to up my carbs and protein before workout; I ate a chicken salad the other day and was just dragging *kitten*. I always do a shake after because I do evening workouts and making dinner/getting kids fed takes awhile.
I eat an orange. They're in season right now and delicious.
I go to the gym 5-6 days a week. M/W/F I do lots of squats/lunges/rowing/cardio and T/TH/S I do more workout machines. Sun is rest day. As a family we go on walks (when it's not so damn snowy) and hikes on the weekends. When my baby is older this summer I plan on getting her on my road bike with me. I like going to the…
My husband has the Charge 2 and loves it.
When I want a glass of wine, I drink a glass of wine. I just log it.
You can build up the OP's confidence without tearing down others. Gym rats go to the gym for reasons unknown to you and me. We can speculate, but why? It's their business. Let them do their thing and enjoy themselves. As you say yourself, don't compete with other people. Worry about yourself.