GypsyLotus Member


  • Hello all! Not new to the app but back on the path to fitness, and looking for friends and accountability partners! I lost 10 pounds in 2017, and looking to lose 15-20 more. It’s been slow going due to chronic illness, but I’m trying to stay positive! Add me, and say hello :)
  • I’d be interested in a daily accountability partner:)
  • You are not alone!! I have anxiety, depression, and PTSD, and while it does pose extra challenges In sticking to a routine, I’m determined to make it work. A big thing for me is making sure I’m doing the best I can (self care) to manage my mental illness. That is most important. I am on medication, I see a therapist once…
  • I am also intimidated by the scale, but I second what BetterInTheFall says. The scale is just a tool. Stick to your program and you will see results. I’ve had times where the scale hadn’t budged an ounce, but my clothes fit better or felt more baggy, and I could see visable changes in my figure. Don’t worry, You can do it!
  • Hello ladies! 28yo here looking for support and accountability partners! I’ve lost 10 lbs so far and looking to lose 20 more! It’s been slow progression (over a year) due to chronic pain, but it CAN be done! Please add me!
  • I am definitely in the same boat. I'll add you
    in Motivator Comment by GypsyLotus May 2016
  • Yay! I'm glad so many people love yoga! Glad I could share my experience with you all. It's a shame someone thought I was an advertiser for her channel. I am in no way associated. Im just trying to connect with others though this fitness app and share what helps me. Hoping we can help and support each other. Feel free to…
  • That's awesome! I really enjoy her teaching style.
  • Oh no, lol! Im stubborn and often get caught up in trying to reach the fitness level of a normal, healthy adult. My body quickly reminds me that I need to slow down and really pace myself
  • Good advice. Yesterday was my first day using this app. I pushed way past what I should have in trying to reach 10,000 steps and had to stop at about 6000 due to severe pain. Paying for it today with a major flare up. I decided to cut my step goal in half.
  • I'm sorry to hear that :( it can be a struggle for sure. But we continue to try and that's what matters. Sending support and positive thoughts your way :)
  • Synacios, thank you for commenting! I feel silly for not thinking of this, but glad you could point it out :) makes total sense now. Thank you again.
  • I've been trying to report the problem but it's hard to explain, so I took a couple screenshots. When I load the picture to the report, the app crashes and I lose the whole thing *sigh*