Weigh in anxiety

I stayed within my cals all week and exercised everyday. My first week I had that big drop (likely water weight) and this second week weighing in I am super anxious. I have no idea why. I am just so afraid of a gain but if this is going to work I need to face the scale every week I will eventually see a trend. I don't get why I am so anxious but I am. I am also at the midpoint of my cycle and I tend to hold onto weight around this time maybe thats it. Thanks for listening.


  • BetterInTheFall
    BetterInTheFall Posts: 16 Member
    Try to think of the scale as a tool, it is only a source of information. If you are weighing and measuring your food and staying on program, you will be fine.
  • Elishabrathwaite4819
    Hi hi good nite dear Iam elly I now join I will love to now some of yuh diet food n some stuff u use n do to lose weight Iam from Trinidad and Tobago :)
  • GypsyLotus
    GypsyLotus Posts: 16 Member
    I am also intimidated by the scale, but I second what BetterInTheFall says. The scale is just a tool. Stick to your program and you will see results. I’ve had times where the scale hadn’t budged an ounce, but my clothes fit better or felt more baggy, and I could see visable changes in my figure. Don’t worry, You can do it!
  • Mcoughlin20
    Mcoughlin20 Posts: 20 Member
    I weigh myself every morning. For me if I know my weight it keeps me on track all day. Don't be afraid, own it and grow from it.
  • 88olds
    88olds Posts: 4,490 Member
    You’re right, it’s all about a trend. You need a couple of months of weigh ins to know much about how you’re doing. This week is just a data point.The scale is just feedback.

  • aemsley05
    aemsley05 Posts: 151 Member
    You might find it helpful to use a weight trending app (e.g. Libra or Happy Scale). I weigh everyday and the app helps to smooth out the fluctuations so that they don't bother me so much or cause anxiety. I didn't do this while losing (only started when I got to my goal weight) and I regret it as I think it would really have helped to prevent my freak outs on days when the scale reading was high - even if I knew the reason why (e.g. period, salty food, new exercise regime etc.).

    Also remember that progress isn't just measured by the scale, but also how you feel, how your clothes fit, how you're improving with your exercise etc. Maybe before you step on the scale, think of all the progress you've made. How do you feel about your progress? Choose to feel good about yourself, and don't let the scale change that. Good luck - you can do this :)
  • RubinaKochar
    RubinaKochar Posts: 43 Member
    OP. I'm in the same boat. Just wanted to let you know that you are not alone in this.
  • 5Months2fit
    5Months2fit Posts: 36 Member
    I put my scale in a suitcase. Not taking it out for at least another 5 days...
  • dsboohead
    dsboohead Posts: 1,900 Member
    Do not be obsessive and base your moods on weigh ins. You will not lose like a graph of a slantboard. There are many hills and valleys! We all have to deal with it because we are not machines. Trust the process for the long run or life run!