anitahankey Member


  • Thanks for that LP yeah I know I don't drink enough water, and maybe don't eat enough as I often feel weak, but I most def look diff, I scan everything I eat even down to a single biscuit! and my clothes are looser but I only weigh 2lb less than when I started, I'm just gonna carry on as I am
  • I weighed myself on my own scales and then on the scales at boots and there's 3lb diff, I'm not weighing myself for the next couple of weeks I'm just going to go off how I feel and look, keep logging and excercising, I have severe asthma and can't run so I brisk walk for 50 minutes and I def look diff, so I'm going with…
  • My goal is 1,200 calories a day I always have about 1000, never ever go over, I'm 9st 13 and just want to be around 9st 2, I don't have a lot to lose but it's happening very slowly
  • Hellooooo, I'm 45 on sat! Really doesn't feel like I'm talking about me!
  • New here and from Cheshire, click the add button!
  • Well I lost 1lb! But gutted, but gonna keep going!
  • Thankyou cm-73, I'm getting used to it now, and feel less sluggish, and actually enjoying the excercise
  • I'm from warrington, not far.. girlfriend lives in Liverpool
  • Thankyou, im gonna step on the scales for the first time today.. Fingers crossed!
  • Thanks for your advice, I really want to do this, can't believe how good I've been, I've even abandoned my car to walk back and too to work, even if I do spend the whole time thinking I could murder a bacon barm!