taylorpigg Member


  • So the treadmill I used and elliptical both have heart rate monitors built into them so since you all are saying heart rate is how I should measure calories then when the treadmill says I burned 340 calories that it's correct bc it has been measuring my heart rate?
  • Also on this app it says when you do like strength training you don't burn calories? How can that be? Doing squats, sit ups and other exercises don't burn calories??
  • I'm getting sick of everyone saying be honest I am! I just started counting calories this week! For god sake half of you on here need to not say anything bc you are all just being judgemental! This is for help not to criticize people! So if your not going to answer my question then don't post!
  • If the machine your using to exercise like the treadmill says you burned 350 calories while working out how do I know it's actuate? And if people say this app is off on how many calories you burn by putting in the activity how am I suppose to know how many I'm actually burning?? And I bought a scale to measure my food now…
  • If you use a scale to measure your food and get the exact calories and you guys all say you can't eat more than you burn so your telling me I need to burn 1500 calories while working out?
  • Also I now have decreased my calories to 1000 per day and I work out everyday 35 to 45 mins of cardio and also three times a week I do a strength training workout like abs, arms, and legs.still no results.
  • How I measure my calorie intake is using this app and scanning the package.
  • I only ate 1500 calories a day plus whatever I burned during working out