I'm gaining weight!!!



  • nuttynanners
    nuttynanners Posts: 249 Member
    Are you talking about the Kayla Itsines workout? Bikini Body Guide? If so, I have heard multiple people on this forum saying that the diet plan has had them eating too much food.

    I don't know too much about the program, but I suggest you count calories if you're not already doing so. Take a more scientific approach, rather than leaving it up to a program that isn't tailored specifically to you.

    Adjust the diet program so that your TDEE is greater than your calorie intake each day.
  • Colorscheme
    Colorscheme Posts: 1,179 Member
    taylorpigg wrote: »
    If the machine your using to exercise like the treadmill says you burned 350 calories while working out how do I know it's actuate? And if people say this app is off on how many calories you burn by putting in the activity how am I suppose to know how many I'm actually burning?? And I bought a scale to measure my food now and I don't eat junk food and if I do I measure it. But I'm a college kid and a part of college is drinking and I'm not willing to cut it out of my lifestyle but I'm trying to cut back on drinking but these are supposed to be the fun part of my life and idk how to lose weight and still be able to party and drink with my friends?

    Sounds like you need to be honest with yourself. Alcohol causes bloating and dehydration, you should consider cutting down your alcohol content as well as start weighing and logging everything you eat. You're also consuming calories from booze, are you logging your drinks as well?

    Until you're honest about what you're really eating, you won't get anywhere.
  • cerise_noir
    cerise_noir Posts: 5,468 Member
    kalegurl wrote: »
    If you aren't "getting bigger" or if you notice that your clothes are looser, it could be that you lost some fat and gained more muscle

    Not on that little calories in 2 months. It takes much longer to build muscle.
    Most likely fluid retention in muscle masking loss.
  • taylorpigg
    taylorpigg Posts: 10 Member
    taylorpigg wrote: »
    If the machine your using to exercise like the treadmill says you burned 350 calories while working out how do I know it's actuate? And if people say this app is off on how many calories you burn by putting in the activity how am I suppose to know how many I'm actually burning?? And I bought a scale to measure my food now and I don't eat junk food and if I do I measure it. But I'm a college kid and a part of college is drinking and I'm not willing to cut it out of my lifestyle but I'm trying to cut back on drinking but these are supposed to be the fun part of my life and idk how to lose weight and still be able to party and drink with my friends?

    Sounds like you need to be honest with yourself. Alcohol causes bloating and dehydration, you should consider cutting down your alcohol content as well as start weighing and logging everything you eat. You're also consuming calories from booze, are you logging your drinks as well?

    Until you're honest about what you're really eating, you won't get anywhere.

    I'm getting sick of everyone saying be honest I am! I just started counting calories this week! For god sake half of you on here need to not say anything bc you are all just being judgemental! This is for help not to criticize people! So if your not going to answer my question then don't post!
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    See if anything on this chart applies to you op

  • ogtmama
    ogtmama Posts: 1,403 Member
    Much to my chagrin, I had to give up alcohol. Not only does it have a ton of calories, it leads you to have late night "snacks"that undocumented the whole week's worth of hard work
  • ilex70
    ilex70 Posts: 727 Member
    taylorpigg wrote: »
    taylorpigg wrote: »
    If the machine your using to exercise like the treadmill says you burned 350 calories while working out how do I know it's actuate? And if people say this app is off on how many calories you burn by putting in the activity how am I suppose to know how many I'm actually burning?? And I bought a scale to measure my food now and I don't eat junk food and if I do I measure it. But I'm a college kid and a part of college is drinking and I'm not willing to cut it out of my lifestyle but I'm trying to cut back on drinking but these are supposed to be the fun part of my life and idk how to lose weight and still be able to party and drink with my friends?

    Sounds like you need to be honest with yourself. Alcohol causes bloating and dehydration, you should consider cutting down your alcohol content as well as start weighing and logging everything you eat. You're also consuming calories from booze, are you logging your drinks as well?

    Until you're honest about what you're really eating, you won't get anywhere.

    I'm getting sick of everyone saying be honest I am! I just started counting calories this week! For god sake half of you on here need to not say anything bc you are all just being judgemental! This is for help not to criticize people! So if your not going to answer my question then don't post!

    That bit is kind of crucial. You gained 13 pounds in a bit over 2 months, and now you have been counting calories for just this week. It takes more time than that to see a change. Sometimes women keep a deficit for 2 or even 3 weeks before they see a big drop.

    Just keep logging and weighing your food for a while longer.

    The reason weighing is brought up so much is because packaging is often incorrect. One quick example I've found is corn tortilla chips. The serving listed says 10 chips is a 28 gram serving, but when you actually weigh 28 grams on a food scale it is only 8 chips.

    Yes, it is a small thing, but if many things you eat have 20% more calories than you think they do then you can see how that can add up?

    Also there are some incorrect entries in the database. MFP allows users to enter their own foods, but they don't police that the entries are correct. Sticking with verified entries and USDA entries helps, or actually checking the package info against the database entry.
  • DaniCanadian
    DaniCanadian Posts: 261 Member
    edited May 2016
    If you want to keep partying and not gain weight then Ed Sheeran lost 40 lbs just by switching to vodka ;-)
    And FYI, 13 lbs gained in 2.5 months means you weren't eating a calorie deficit. Maybe you were with food but booze could very easily put you way passed that.
  • Day_knee
    Day_knee Posts: 85 Member
    taylorpigg wrote: »
    I started the Kayla workout 2 and half months ago and weighted 167 and now I weight 180! I don't skip workouts and I started eating a little bit better and less junk for and I'm gaining weight instead of losing it! Why ?????

    You're eating too much, and not weighing and measuring your food. Calories in vs Calories out. You gain weight because you are not eating at a deficit. Period! This isn't a criticism. This is the truth. If you are gaining weight you are eating more than you should/think.
  • I_amnr
    I_amnr Posts: 129 Member
    may be muscle gain
    start measuring your waist.
    there are weeks I hardly lose anything but still lose 0.8 cm of waist

    if you just started working out and doing any weights .. even in a deficit you can have decent newbie gains

    and as people have said weight everything
    I way before I cook and then weight after and divide into portions
  • cerise_noir
    cerise_noir Posts: 5,468 Member
    I_amnr wrote: »
    may be muscle gain
    Highly doubtful OP put on 13lb of muscle in 2.5 months.

  • I_amnr
    I_amnr Posts: 129 Member
    I_amnr wrote: »
    may be muscle gain
    Highly doubtful OP put on 13lb of muscle in 2.5 months.
