Ainadan Member


  • I drink a LOT of water, and I do notice if I haven't added enough sodium to my diet I will start having headaches, nausea, and other nasty symptoms of low sodium. OTOH, I rarely get too much sodium, because I don't eat junk food very much, and don't need a lot of salt on my food. If you are eating a healthy diet, the…
  • I'm 2 years older than you, but aside from that, we could be twins- same height, same starting weight, even same backstory, lol. I lost 30ish lbs in college/masters using a calorie counter, but now I'm back up. The only difference is that I've just started my second journey. So this is extremely motivational for me!!!…
  • Wow. So much caffeine! I probably drink one 12 oz. mug of coffee a day. It is more of a ritual than anything else. But I'm trying to get away from it because caffeine interferes with my sleep.
  • My fitbit gives me about 950 for 11,000 steps. I think it partially depends on other factors such as your height, weight, general cardiac condition, and how you are getting those steps.
  • 'Smart' vegetarian hotdogs from Trader Joes are 50 calories a piece and are quick to make. I don't like normal hotdogs, but these are pretty good.
  • Not absolutely nothing, because it may affect your energy and/or your on/off button. Energy affects calories burnt, and your on/off button affects calories consumed. You are right that it doesn't have a direct effect, but it can have an indirect effect. But to the OP, it is a way to lose weight. Do what is best for you.
  • Also, churches are probably one of the few places that large groups of adults commonly meet on a regular basis in a social setting. (I'm not saying there aren't others, but not many others exist all over the country)
  • My mom takes vitamin B to great effect. Without it she has brain fog and gets really anxious and irrationally angry.
  • I don't log while on vacation. It's not worth it to take away time and emotional energy from family and friends. When I came back from 1 and 1/2 week vacation last week, it looked like I had gained 6 lbs, but I waited a few days for the junk to clear my system and I'm still on track and I gained maybe 0.2 lbs.
    in Vacation Comment by Ainadan August 2017
  • Reading these non-scale victories is a lot more motivating than the scale victories are. I need to get my heart in better condition for teaching, (I sigh a lot during lecture, apparently) so the people who are achieving better conditioning are really motivating me right now. As for me, I actually worked out today, and did…
  • This doesn't change the substance of what you are trying to do, it just frames it as a reward rather than a punishment. Nothing wrong with that, just pointing it out.
  • I work in academia. Most professors I know work out a lot and everyone in my department is a healthy weight except for the secretaries. My dad is considered obese by BMI even though he plays full court basketball at 60 and the doctors say he has the best heart condition they have ever seen for someone his age. I worked on…
  • I did the same thing. So one night I tried vinegar. Generally I have it with apple juice so it won't be so acidic. I used white vinegar because ACV tastes even worse. As long as you don't go overboard, side effects are negligible, considering it is just vinegar, something we already consume. If it works for you, you should…
  • I had gallstones for a while during the latter part of college/early young adult. Too much fast food, yoyo dieting, ect made it pretty messed up. Tried all sorts of painkillers just to get through the night when I had a particularly bad attack. The only thing that gave me relief was drinking 1/4 cup of vinegar, and I had…
  • Adam Ruins Everything basically finds the most negative research about any topic, (or misrepresents research/data in order to make it look more negative) in order to "ruin" everything. He brings up some good points in some of his videos, but sometimes he stretches a little much. I've noticed his videos don't take the…
  • Today was a teaching day, so lots of steps. It certainly helps me to see the effect on how many calories I can have if I'm being active vs not being active. Very motivating.
  • Ok, makes sense. Thanks!
  • I don't know how y'all get so many steps. When I'm teaching for 5 hours I get about 12,000 steps, but on off days I have to work to get anywhere close to 8,000. Also, I'm positive my fitbit doesn't count all my steps, I've watched it not count them. Is this common?
  • Cheating is always a conscious choice. You don't accidentally cheat on tests either. It is more that cheating on anything has negative consequences, and when people don't want to own up to those and accept them, it can get annoying.
  • BMI being the end-all-be-all on how overweight or fit you are.
  • My mom tried to teach me how to cook, but she didn't have a lot of variety, so I didn't learn much. My SIL and SIL's sisters taught me a lot. Then I got a meal prep service, and it taught me a lot more. Those things are kind of expensive, but they have improved my confidence in the kitchen. I think if you have the money…
  • A PB&J with whole grain wheat, 2 teaspoons of jelly, and 1.5 tablespoons of peanut butter will satiate me from 4-10 pm. I think that is a pretty good deal. A little peanut butter goes a long way.
  • Drink when you are thirsty, unless you are chronically not thirsty and your pee is dark yellow, then you need to watch out. I've noticed carbonated beverages decrease my thirst level in general (not just because I drank the beverage), so if you are having problems, stop drinking that kind of beverage and see if it helps.
  • I eat oatmeal squares because they generally keep me full and provide a good deal of fiber.
  • I get my nails done and go shopping for something I want, or plan and take a trip, depending on how special the occasion.
  • Also, if you have a kindle unlimited account and an audible account, you can sometimes get a book for free, and then buy the audiobook for like $3 or something. But that is only if you consume a lot of audiobooks. I listen to about 1 or 2 a week as I'm driving, cooking, cleaning, and doing other random things, so it's…
  • I'm 5'8.5 and since I am with all Chinese people, I feel very tall. But I have a short torso. Finding a dress is kind of hard because they look short on me, even if they look normal on other people. And it's not the "Show some leg and be sexy" kind of short, but rather the "Your clothes don't fit" kind. :/
  • My goal is the high end of my BMI range, and then I will reevaluate from there.
  • Also, losing weight slowly is better. You only need to lose a lb or two a week to meet your goal by March, why are you trying to abuse your body to get there? It will turn out poorly in the long run.