Does anyone have any experience of B12 deficiency or Anaemia



  • rhenry24
    rhenry24 Posts: 1 Member
    zjpq wrote: »
    It would probably be worth having vit D, ferritin studies, FBC and thyroid checked too. I had issues for about a year with fatigue etc, my GP had only been checking FBC for haemoglobin and my thyroid both of which were fine (I do take thyroid meds though). It wasn't until they sent me to a haemotologist/oncologist for further investigations in case of leukemia etc and they took NINETEEN tubes of blood that someone actually looked at my ferritin and found it was low (often ferritin has to bottom out before your Hb/FBC is impacted). Had a ferritin infusion and felt 100% better. I still teeter on the edge of low so up my red meat and take a supplement a few times a week as my bowels allow ;) my Vit D was also low so started with a supplement for that too and is normal now

    Your symptoms are pretty much spot on for what I had going on and how I know my Fe is low again and ask for a recheck

    I had a doctor automatically check my ferritin years ago and I was extremely low. Now with any new doctor I automatically have them check my Ferritin. It seems like most don't even think to check for it. I asked my new dr. to check a couple weeks ago because I could tell it bottomed out again. He didn't even question it, he checked along with a few other things. Sure enough, it was just the ferritin that was low.
  • ruqayyahsmum
    ruqayyahsmum Posts: 1,514 Member
    I had no idea so many people did not take a multivitamin. I don't have insurance, so I take one.

    Ive been taking multivitamins for years. I still cannot absorb vitamin b12 and am regularly deficient in iron, calcium and vitamin d

    I have regular bloods done to check it along with thyroid function (hashimotos) and my gp then prescribed high dose vitamins as needed
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    Your symptoms fit a few conditions including magnesium deficiency, thyroid, and kidney failure.
  • lisabellnc
    lisabellnc Posts: 9 Member
    I have very low B12, Vitamin D and magnesium. The thing is I had to MAKE my doctor test for these as I had similar symptoms as you but also, pins and needles feeling in my hands and feet. Doctors never think we are vitamin deficient . My B-12 and D was so low I was almost dead! And a multi vitamin will not do it for you if truly deficient. I take 10.000 mg of vitamin D and you can't OD on D . Most supplement has 1,000. I buy mine on Amazon. I was getting the B12 shots , but I also supplement with 5.000 mg of drugstore brand that dissolves under your tongue. I don't get the shots very often anymore. I also, take 1.000 mg of magnesium gel caps. These work great , especially if you have constipation. Take at night though! If that is too much, I alternate 500/1000 ever other day. I feel so much better after about 7 days.

    Also, you could have the type of anemia that causes you to have large red blood cells which don't bring oxygen and blood to your organs which make you tired, cranky, can give you migraines. I have this . Some mess cause this. Maybe yours does as well.

    I recommend a book by Sally Pocholok. It's all about how serious B12 deficiency is and all of the diseases and disorders it can cause and cure. MIND BLOWING. It was a movie also.

  • Ainadan
    Ainadan Posts: 158 Member
    My mom takes vitamin B to great effect. Without it she has brain fog and gets really anxious and irrationally angry.
  • zjpq
    zjpq Posts: 198 Member
    edited August 2017
    rhenry24 wrote: »
    zjpq wrote: »
    It would probably be worth having vit D, ferritin studies, FBC and thyroid checked too. I had issues for about a year with fatigue etc, my GP had only been checking FBC for haemoglobin and my thyroid both of which were fine (I do take thyroid meds though). It wasn't until they sent me to a haemotologist/oncologist for further investigations in case of leukemia etc and they took NINETEEN tubes of blood that someone actually looked at my ferritin and found it was low (often ferritin has to bottom out before your Hb/FBC is impacted). Had a ferritin infusion and felt 100% better. I still teeter on the edge of low so up my red meat and take a supplement a few times a week as my bowels allow ;) my Vit D was also low so started with a supplement for that too and is normal now

    Your symptoms are pretty much spot on for what I had going on and how I know my Fe is low again and ask for a recheck

    I had a doctor automatically check my ferritin years ago and I was extremely low. Now with any new doctor I automatically have them check my Ferritin. It seems like most don't even think to check for it. I asked my new dr. to check a couple weeks ago because I could tell it bottomed out again. He didn't even question it, he checked along with a few other things. Sure enough, it was just the ferritin that was low.

    Yes, I have mine always check fe now too. My fe can be really low but hb and Rbc size etc fine but I will be miserable
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    I had no idea so many people did not take a multivitamin. I don't have insurance, so I take one.

    Again, the amounts in multi-vitamins are likely insufficient to treat serious medical conditions. People who suspect serious medical conditions should get tested and proceed from there, rather than relying on a multi. Taking a multi in this case would be penny wise, pound foolish.
  • Old_Cat_Lady
    Old_Cat_Lady Posts: 1,193 Member
    I never said a multivitamin would treat a serious medical condition. I take a multivitamin as preventative medicine since I can't afford doctor's visits. I don't eat much meat, so I know I have to be careful. One pill a day is all I can handle.
    Wow- can you imagine anyone saying to take multivitamin for a serious medical condition? Glad I cleared that up.
  • ChercherCreighton
    ChercherCreighton Posts: 1 Member
    I've been struggling with anemia for a few years and your symptoms sound like anemia to me. I have struggled with the dizziness, the heart racing and feeling short of breath after climbing one set of stairs. I've had to quit running as I couldn't catch my breath. I've had the brain fog and confusion. A simple shower was enough to make me lie down for an hour.

    I hope you went to the doctor and asked for a complete blood count. If your ferritin is very low you can ask for an iron infusion. Mine was 3 at it's lowest and I felt like death. My hemoglobin was also very low at 105. I was given an iron infusion for these numbers which brought me up to 22. It took a good month and a half after the infusion for the shortness of breath to go away. Not surprising since it can take 2-4 months to re-build red blood cell stores.

    More important would be to work with your doctor to find out why you are anemic. Mine was due to heavy periods and I just had a hysterectomy in July to correct the problem. I'm currently trying to re-build my hemoglobin as I was anemic again when I left the hospital so I feel your pain! Good luck and let us know how it went!
  • tiny_clanger
    tiny_clanger Posts: 301 Member
    This is really helpful thank you so much to everyone who's replied. So, went to the docs yesterday, she thinks it's just asthma exacerbation, stress and labyrinthitis. However, she did agree to order the general set of bloods - liver, kidney, thyroid, B12, iron, VitD, etc. So we'll see what comes from that.