I did drink alot more water than usual yesterday and I did not seem as hungry as usual. I also had a fiber filled breakfast andnI believe that helped as well.
Thank you!
I am also 5'2 so i am pretty short lol
Hello! My goal is to lose atleast 65lbs! I work at a desk job and since i started this journey again, I work out everyday. I started with half hour sessions and working my way up from there
Hello! Yes I log everything down
130lbs!! I am 169 from 220lbs. Waiting tables on top of it is very exhausting
Error*** I went from 220lbs to 178lbs in 4 months
Thanks everyone!!
My goal is to be 50lbs of loss by my 31st birthday December 22! Right now I'm losing about 2 pounds a week. My current weight is 183!! I started at 210 lbs!
You can add me!! My starting weight was 220, I currently weigh 185 and my goal is 130! Don't give up!!
**I don't understand
I am 5'3 and I still have 55 pounds to lose! I started at 220lbs and am down to 188! I have found that its taking longer than it took me last time.The last time I lost weight, I was in my early twenties and only had to lose 40lbs. I let myself go 5years ago, and that was the biggest mistake I've ever made! My goal is 2lvs…
OK thanks! I'm having a hard time syncing my fitbit with my fitness pal
Yes, I agree! Everything should be eaten in moderation. I have found that the fiber one bars also help my sweet tooth cravings. They are also a great snack in between meals. I typically eat them once in a while since they do tend to give me gas.
Thanks everyone! I am now down 19.8 lbs!
I pretty much wrote a book and half of what i wrote gets posted..