ChavahWilson Member


  • Are you getting too hungry on 1200-1400 calories? Maybe you aren’t eating quite enough and your body is afraid to let go of the weight. How about water? Have you figured the amount of water you should be drinking (1/2 ounce per pound of body weight) and try to meet that goal? How about sufficient sleep? I’ve read a lot…
  • Me too! I have 40-45 pounds to lose. I find it helpful to recognize what exactly triggers stress for me, and avoid it when possible. Some of my own triggers, or situations that prompt me to eat anything in sight, are lack of sleep, not enough water, late meals, discipline issues with kids, overwhelming to-do list, poor…
  • Well, I haven't read all 420 pages, but feel inspired! I gained 4 pounds over the last 4 days, being away from home, eating out, eating more junk than usual, attending a wedding... I COULD be wallowing in self pity right now and feeling discouraged, but instead I am ready to jump right back into healthy living because of…