Tyrannasaur Member


  • I sit at a desk all day so perhaps in the sense then I don't move around much. But i'm also so busy most days that I don't have time to think much about food. When I'm at work food is purely a fuel, i eat to keep my mind and body working well for the rest of the day, so i don't care what i eat. Also my workplace has a…
  • During the week I don't have much time so I eat a cereal bar while I'm getting ready, then have an apple once I get into the office. At the weekend i'll make scrambled egg or omelette with whatever bits I have left in the fridge. :)
  • I would love to Join! Just come back to MFP after taking a little break and could definable use some group support!
  • Check the restaurants menu/website for nutrition info. Lot's have it available, especially in the UK and I find most food from chain restaurants on mfp app.
  • Aero chocolate mousse pot - 93 calories. Sugar free jelly - 10 calories. I swear by these when I get a sugar craving and fruit just won't do.
  • I have a sweet tooth as well. What works for me is finding low calorie sweets I like (10cal jelly pots, 90cal chocolate mouse, smaller multipack versions of chocolate I like), and making sure I have some in the flat and work it into my daily calorie goal. Avoids you going to the shop with a craving and going over.
  • I think "I'd love to go out for dinner just give me more notice so I can plan ahead." Is already a fair enough compromise. I don't understand how he can have an issue with that if he respects you, your time, your needs, and your goals. I have a friend who needs to know the day before if we're going to catch up for drinks…
  • I'm at a similar point to you. 4 weeks in, 9lbs down. 100 more to go. I this may be the hardest part for me as I know I'm making a positive change and I'm losing weight steadily but I can't see or feel any results yet. I think the first time I go down a dress size will such a huge motivator but sometimes I think it just…