What do you eat for breakfast?



  • Chadxx
    Chadxx Posts: 1,199 Member
    My goto breakfast is chicken breast, egg whites, and mushrooms covered in salsa.
  • JennaMatthews07
    JennaMatthews07 Posts: 14 Member
    Oatmeal is delicious! Also, I like fruit and yogurt!
  • Tyrannasaur
    Tyrannasaur Posts: 10 Member
    During the week I don't have much time so I eat a cereal bar while I'm getting ready, then have an apple once I get into the office.

    At the weekend i'll make scrambled egg or omelette with whatever bits I have left in the fridge. :)
  • debtay123
    debtay123 Posts: 1,327 Member
    my go to include either of these- oatmeal with fruit/decaf or 1egg and 2s. egg white with taost/decaf or high fiber cereal almondmilk and fruit- all three or filling- on my weekend if time- I make kodiak cakes with fruit and 1 turkey sausage- yummy!
  • kgirlhart
    kgirlhart Posts: 5,109 Member
    I always have 2 cups of coffee with sugar and half and half that is 140 calories. Most days I have 2 boiled eggs some fruit and a 100 calorie Greek yogurt. It is usually around 400-450 calories depending on the fruit. I am at maintenance but when I was eating at a deficit I usually either had fruit or yogurt but not both. This is my go to breakfast and always keeps me full until lunch. Some days I will have half a bagel with cream cheese and smoked salmon with my coffee. I like this breakfast but it doesn't keep me as full. I do sometimes add a boiled egg (I really like eggs) or some fruit. I like Oatmeal in the winter time too, but mostly I have eggs, coffee fruit and yogurt just about every day. I never need a snack before lunch. Even when I have the bagel..
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    I make home made muffins with whole wheat flour and oatmeal, bananas or carrot/zucchini, greek yogurt. I eat one for breakfast with some coffee with protein powder added.
  • Bruceapple
    Bruceapple Posts: 2,026 Member
    Cheerios Protein and an apple
  • AndOne8675
    AndOne8675 Posts: 151 Member
    My in a hurry week day go to's
    2 eggs, cup spinach(cook with eggs) and salsa in a whole wheat tortilla.
    Or Banana, cup of what ever milk you drink, handful of nuts.

    If I have more time...very rare protein pancakes, cooked apples
    Or a veggie frittata with goat cheese

  • courtneyfabulous
    courtneyfabulous Posts: 1,863 Member
    Fage 2% Greek yogurt - I like the ones that are individual portions and have a fruit mix that you stir in. 12 grams of protein, 140 calories.

    My other favorite breakfast is 2 brown rice thin stackers (or rice cakes) with 1/2 cup cottage cheese. I like to have this with a side of fruit too.

    I also like over easy or scrambled eggs with toast or a potato and sautéed greens like kale or spinach

    Sometime I'll make a shake with 8 to 10 oz of coconut water mixed with 2 scoops of chocolate whey protein powder. I have this with a banana.

  • Parkersspace
    Parkersspace Posts: 17 Member
    If I'm on a low carb cycle my favorite breakfast to have something healthy and fast to get me out the door on my bicycle is this. I make a batch up and keep it in the fridge in a large round plastic jug from the dollar store. I order all the stuff on Amazon and make a huge batch. I buy blue berries to add to it and almond milk and sometimes I use frozen berries but they turn the milk pink.

    When I'm not low carb my favorite breakfast is long cooking whole oats. I add my favorite berries (cut up if strawberries, walnuts, and sometimes a few raisins. I also have a banana or half banana (my husband will share with me usually).

    If I'm in a hurry i have plain yogurt (not low fat) or greek yogurt, I add frozen berries, thawed (sometimes i thaw them 2 minutes in the microwave, mix it and that's my breakfast. You can add stevia if you feel it must be sweetened. I like it as is.

    All of these hold me to lunch no problem and then I can come in after my ride and have a big veggie omelet for lunch to fill me low cal for lunch after my bike ride. Oh yea I always have a coffee too.
  • LittleChipin
    LittleChipin Posts: 102 Member
    I have two go to breakfasts, oat bran with butter, brown sugar, and cinnamon, and my favorite is two eggs over medium on 2 slices of Sara Lee 45 calorie bread toasted with a turkey sausage patty. Both quick and easy and super filling, and around 200-300 calories
  • SusanMFindlay
    SusanMFindlay Posts: 1,804 Member
    On weekdays, it's one slice of whole grain toast (25 g) with almond butter (~16 g) and honey/jam/marmalade (15 g of whichever one). That's about 250 calories. I'm not a big breakfast person. If I'm still hungry, I add a glass of milk and/or a banana.

    On the weekend, it's 2 eggs and one or two slices of buttered whole grain toast. Occasionally, my toddler talks me into making pancakes instead (from scratch; whole grain; if I put blueberries or chocolate chips in them, I don't need syrup; my husband and son still do).
  • janetennet
    janetennet Posts: 143 Member
    I usually stick with Wheetabix, milk and a spoonful of sugar but lately I've been making myself some protein smoothies which have been super filling, instead of using protein powder I've been doing:

    125g Fat free cottage Cheese
    60ml of fat free milk
    100g banana
    50-75g strawberries (or any combination of fruit)
    5g honey
    20g oatbran/ oats

    It's so good and tick and keeps me full for ages. If you're not a fan of cottage cheese you can also use tofu which is equally as nice!
  • jayeless
    jayeless Posts: 30 Member
    I have about three go-to breakfasts, all of which I have alongside coffee and milk:
    1. Uncle Toby's flavoured porridge, 15g chia seeds, 150mL full-cream milk (if I have uni or work, this is always the go)
    2. poached egg and half an avocado, smashed, on toast
    3. fruit smoothie - banana, mango, coconut milk, chia seeds

    All of these come out to approx. 1500kJ, or 360 kcals, once you include the coffee. Lately I've started adding a serve of protein powder to the smoothie, which increases that by about 500kJ. I find them all nicely filling, but they're not exactly loaded with protein (except my recent smoothies) so I feel like I have to play catch-up the rest of the day.
  • VintageFeline
    VintageFeline Posts: 6,771 Member
    Might be having my second Krispy Kreme right now instead of my prior listed porridge...........
  • ugofatcat
    ugofatcat Posts: 385 Member
    I have 2 go to breakfasts:

    1. At the beginning of the week I will roast a whole bunch of veggies. This week it was 3 colored peppers and an onion. Last week it was mushrooms, zucchini, and red onions. I will eat about 100 grams of that with 2 eggs that I cook in the microwave. I was also roasting potatoes and adding that to it. So I would combine 100 g of veggies + 2 eggs + 3 oz roasted potatoes and make a "breakfast bowl".

    2. When I didn't get a chance to roast my veggies, I do 40 g of oatmeal cooked in water with 16-32 g of peanut butter (depending on how hungry I am) mixed in the oatmeal with 2 teaspoons brown sugar.
  • spring913
    spring913 Posts: 158 Member
    I eat the same thing every morning, have been for years. Fresh pineapple, greek yogurt, almonds and ground flax. It's a habit.

    Funny thing is. I couldn't get pineapple for some reason for a couple weeks and within 5 days I got the first cold I've had in years. I swear the vitamin C in the pineapple keeps me healthy.
  • ogtmama
    ogtmama Posts: 1,403 Member
    My favourite is a whole wheat english muffin with avocado, a fried egg and salsa for around 300 calories.
  • EspressoLvr
    EspressoLvr Posts: 100 Member
    I work at 6am, so I bring a strawberry protein drink and have an apple. I have a stash of nutrition bars at 210 calories each if I feel hungry later in the morning, or, when I remember to buy them, I bring 1oz of raw almonds (170 cals) to crunch on. It's amazing that so many people have such elaborate breakfasts, I mean cooking in the morning won't happen for me!! I'm envious!
  • crzycatlady1
    crzycatlady1 Posts: 1,930 Member
    I don't always eat before noon, but if I do it's usually an 'everything' bagel with cream cheese or 2 packets of instant flavored oatmeal (made with water).