janetennet Member


  • Would you be able to handle a smoothie a short while after you wake up? You could use fruit incl. banana's, apples, mango, pineapple, etc., yogurt, mylk or milk, bran/ oats, protein powder or collagen, and nut butters. It may be easier to drink rather that eating when you wake, or you could have it as your first snack. A…
  • Breakfast: Smoothie with apple, 1/2 banana, whey protein, digestive bran (made with water) Snack: 1/2 banana, 25g peanuts Lunch: Salad (lettuce, tom, cuc, peppers) with croutons, seed mix and a chicken schnitzel Snack: 50g broccoli, 65g baby corn, dipped into hummus, cheese portion Dinner: still to be decided
  • These sauces look amazing! What a brilliant idea to do this.
  • Some people do what is called 'buffet' meal prep in that they prepare the entire components of a meal and only actually put the meal together once they are ready to eat. In your case, you could prepare your salad mix, your cucumber, your chicken, your pepitas and craisins, and your strawberries (each separately) and then…
  • What are you putting in your salads firstly? I make a basic salad (lettuce, tomato, cucumber, mixed peppers) and then add in my protein (chicken or tuna, or a fish fillet, mince meat, and feta or cheddar cheese). I also always add either salad dressing or mayonnaise. I find a 300/400 calories salad (including protein)…
  • I buy a 'rainbow' slaw pack from my local grocer - it has purple & green cabbage, carrots, beetroot, spinach and some mixed herbs (corriander/ parsley). I make my tuna mayo and then mix that into the slaw pack, with crumbled feta on top - it is fabulous! So filling (I have about 100g of the slaw mix), good for you and…
  • What about using other protein sources at your meal instead of the "fake meat" or protein shakes? Beans, pulses, quinoa are all relatively high in protein as well as all important fiber which you may not be getting (in sufficient amounts) from a protein shake.
  • Here are some of the things I bring to work as a snack; Cottage Cheese (either portioned or a tub) - I put this on rice cakes and add a little honey, yummy nutritious and FILLING!; Carrots/ peppers/ cuc's / veggies (100g) with a small hummus or other dip Boiled eggs/ smoked chicken slices/ mini sausages/ viennas/ cheese…
  • I meal prep slightly differently, I always make sure there is something easy to eat in the fridge - something that can be prepared in a few minutes, with little effort - it takes me less than 10minutes to pack my salads each night. I have pretty much the same breakfast and lunch each M-F during the week and I leave…
  • I had an emergency surgery in August last year, completely unexpected and not planned - thankfully because I am nosy before the accident happened I had looked at several posts on these notice boards that basically said - don't be too hard on yourself while you heal. I thankfully have a very supportive family who offered to…
  • My first time doing MFP - I've lost 20+kg's in a year... active pretty much every day. Feel free to friend! :smiley:
  • Oh my goodness, please see your doctor and ask for a referral to a REGISTERED DIETICIAN - not just a nutritionist or therapist because there is no "stringent" training for them. I'm sorry that you are going through this, you are making the right choice by coming here and getting advice to go the proper medical route.
  • I'm probably the one that's furthest in distance away from everyone... Jane here from Durban, South Africa. :)
  • What about a veggie soup?? You can add chicken stock to it so it doesn't really taste like veggies but it is filling and nutritious. As mentioned another option is to secretly add it in to your normal foods, some more options for this is; * Cauliflower - can be mashed/ riced/ blended etc. for different things e.g.…
  • Feel free to friend me. I'm active on MFP most days :)
  • How much water are you drinking? I started at pretty much the same stats as you and am currently under what you are now, feeling satisfied on 1200-1400 depending on the day/ exercise etc. but I eat a ton of veggies, a massive salad with protein for lunch, extra veggies at dinner and protein fueled snacks when needed. I'm…
  • All the time... I often mistakenly go for the higher number when inputting my weight because I'm not used to weighing what I am now. I sometimes find it completely unbelievable as I still feel the same-ish but then I put some of my "older' clothing on and notice the difference there too. :)
  • A friend of mine has a similar allergy, she has to take an anti-histamine before working out and sometimes (depending on how difficult a workout) one after. Her doctor has pretty much told her that she will have it for life and there is really nothing she can do about it - his running partner has the same condition and…
  • I agree, you need to relax. You are a healthy weight for your height, your need to lose the extra weight will be slower because of this. It is most probably water retention and will drop in a few days, on a side note; just because you do not get a period does not mean that your body does not go through the necessary…
  • After previously losing a lot of weight and having very irregular periods (two a month :open_mouth: ) My GP told me that as little as a 500gram difference in your weight can affect your menstrual cycle, as you have lost over this amount this can for sure be the "cause" of such. You have a lot of weight to lose (as do I)…
  • Have you tried pre-logging your meals? That way you are consciously aware throughout the day of what calories you have left to adapt to. With regard to the exercise I find it helps to commit myself to 20minutes, by the time I have done that I usually want to continue to the 30 minute mark and thereafter the hour mark.
  • I eat plenty of snacks that are tasty and make me happy (both pluses!) Popcorn, Carrots and hummus Rice cakes and peanut butter toast with anything cheese sticks mini sausages fruits nuts ... the list goes on!
  • I think you're eating more than you think and that your fitbit is responsible for this. I have a fitbit surge which I wear for medical incentives but I also use a Polar FT4 heart rate monitor and chest strap as well, during a workout they are both started within 5 seconds of working out (and each other) and the difference…
  • Otherwise try to plan your weekends a little better, I know that my water intake on weekends is way less than during the week so I aim to drink more water each weekend, I also aim to exercise more due. You could also look at having a later, smaller portion breakfast (10-11am) and then pushing your lunch and dinner later…
  • That's so me on every other weightloss path except this one. I've been taking this one day at a time, one meal at a time (or at least that's how I started) and at first I didn't believe I would have the results that I did, this meant that I could use each Pound/ Kilogram as a challenge to myself to do and be better. Check…
  • It may also be from your TOM cycle - water retention around that time is fairly common. OP, water retention sucks but it does happen - I gain at least 4-5 pounds a week over the weekend purely from water retention due to increased exercise, it's usually gone in a few days time.
  • Feel free to add me :) On MFP everyday and always ready with a "like"
  • I like to think I'm very realistic about my goals and their time-line, and so in saying that yes, I do give myself a time-line. My first goal was to drop 7kgs in 3 months, then further to that my goal at the moment is 2kgs away, to be hit in the few weeks before Christmas. I've managed to do this but at some point I…
  • Hi Jen, Feel free to add me! :)