Hey Kat, I started to lose weight whilst I was in uni and had moved into my own place too. For me the things that helped the most was organisation, portion sizes and finding the things I liked and concentrating on prepping meals. I was never consistant and binged a lot on food and rubbish too, but it helped me start to…
I would like to lose another 1.5-2! I'm in!
I think I'll try that too! Thanks again everyone <3
BZAH10 good idea! I'll need to see what options we have near us. Thank you! X
Those both sound good, I'll try and see if I can get working out mostly on my days off and once on a day that I'm working. My rota changes so every week will be different. Thanks for your replies! X
Well done on starting a change! I hope you're feeling alright after your surgery. Something I found helped me in losing weight at the beginning was portion size - if you monitor it and cut it down, it can help a lot! Also, weighing yourself every 14 days rather than every 7 also helped me stay on track. Good luck!
Hey! I've been poling for 3 years now. I use my Apple watch to count my calories that I burn at pole, which ranges from between 200-250 depending on how hard I work. I do talk a lot in class, and stop to spot others and watch others do move so... That's a rough idea for you. I don't have many friends on here but feel free…
Hey! I'm the same, need some motivation to lose the last of this weight I keep holding on to... Started at 213lbs Now at 147lbs Target is 126-133lbs I do pole fitness and running From Glasgow, Scotland :blush: Add away!