Mum and office worker... Where do I find time to exercise?

Hey everyone!

I'm almost at my goal, I've been trying to lose weight for a few years now. The nearer I get to my goal the more difficult it seems to get!

I have a 2 year old little boy and while he keeps me active, I can't exercise properly when he's awake. I also work 4 days in an office until 9pm so when I get home he is always in bed. The problem is by this time I am usually shattered! And feel like I have zero motivation to go out running or cycling at that time of night.

I would work out before he gets up but feel like then I wouldn't be getting enough sleep... I also would like some time to spend with other half (usually when I get in from work we get a couple of hours).

So how do you fit it all in? Do you fit it all in? Can anyone in a similar situation relate to this?


  • whitlocksmith
    whitlocksmith Posts: 3 Member
    Similar situation here, I work early morning to late evening 3 days a week, and then am home with my 3 year old boy the other 2 days, then weekends are for family time. I am going to try going to the gym on Saturday mornings but I think that's about the only time I will really find a separate time to exercise.
    What I have done though is get a bicycle and I now ride to my son's nursery with him in the bike seat on the back, and then ride to work from the nursery. Basically I go pretty much everywhere by bike or walk and I find that's a good way to schedule exercise into each day without really thinking about it too much or having to put aside extra time.
    Hope you can find a solution - it's not easy juggling work and being a mum along with also trying to be healthy and lose weight/fit in exercise!
  • upoffthemat
    upoffthemat Posts: 679 Member
    Sounds like you have 3 days a week you don't work, can you commit to exercise those days for a half hour to an hour? Maybe work out one of the four days you work? At least working out 3 days a week would be a good base.
  • michaeladickson92
    michaeladickson92 Posts: 9 Member
    Those both sound good, I'll try and see if I can get working out mostly on my days off and once on a day that I'm working. My rota changes so every week will be different. Thanks for your replies! X
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,734 Member
    " I can't exercise properly when he's awake." - sure you can! You may not be able to go run a couple miles or do a full weight lifting routine, but ANY sustained activity counts as exercise.

    I started walking with my youngest son when he was 6 weeks old. Put him in the stroller and off we went. When he got older and didn't want to be confined we went to a high school track (when not being used by the school) and I walked while he played in the long jump pit in the sand with a few toys from home.

    IMHO finding time to go to the gym once your kids are in school and sports and activities is much harder than when they are little. With a toddler you can do exercises together at home or go run around a park and throw a ball. Endless options, really.
  • caammph
    caammph Posts: 105 Member
    It's hard to fit it in, but I have decided it's time to make myself a priority. I work full time and I have a lot of other commitments (volunteering, children's sports, studying for a new certification at work, apprenticeship in another area), but I schedule in my time to exercise just like any other commitment. It's on the calendar, so it gets done!
  • michaeladickson92
    michaeladickson92 Posts: 9 Member
    BZAH10 good idea! I'll need to see what options we have near us. Thank you! X
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    My husband works 12 hour days and a slightly irregular schedule and we have a young daughter and I work FT as well. I've found that sitting down every two weeks with a calendar and looking at what we have scheduled for the upcoming two weeks is really helpful. Jot down all activities, work shifts, etc. Then look to see which days work for exercise. Some might be night exercise sessions and some morning and some middle of the day opportunities may stick out as well.
  • michaeladickson92
    michaeladickson92 Posts: 9 Member
    I think I'll try that too! Thanks again everyone <3