cchapa08 Member


  • Thank you so much for all of the encouragement! It is great to have the MFP community behind me. You guys are all so awesome and inspiring! We can all do this!!!
  • Great feeling! Good for you! :)
  • @lorilynn33 - I go for a walk first thing, then come home and get ready for work, then eat breakfast. Definitely give it a try! Everything is worth a try! @jencook1969 - Thank you very much. Hang in there and keep on keeping on! You will see results, it just takes time and everyone loses in different spots. It just depends…
  • @susi819 - Thank you very much! I will enjoy it! @msanc095 - Thank you, it has not been easy, but I have set my mind to it and I refuse to fail. @nowine4me - YES! :) @lorilynn33 - Yes, I get up and walk every morning. I notice that I actually see better results when I walk in the morning vs walking in the evenings. I…
  • @valerievaladez - Good tip! I need to moisturize more often. Thank you for that advice!
  • Thanks @DeviatedNorm - I have never really been very active in the MFP community, but all of these responses and support might make me want to become more so involved :) Thank you so much @smkondy . It is very much appreciated. I will not stop until I do hit it. Thank you @juanitagardner07 . I will enjoy it!!!
  • Thank you very much @shamara1925 @kittygonzalez3511 , feel free to add me! I would be glad to have you as a MFP friend and good luck in your journey! @TBird135 - Thank you so much! :) All of this encouragement is so nice!
  • Thank you @RoseTheWarrior and @lisahebert186 ! I appreciate it!
  • Good for you! Keep at it! :) Definitely making some progress though!
  • Thanks @Ty_Floyd . I am open to answering questions from anyone. I still have about 70 lbs to go to meet my first goal. That would mean that I have lost 100 lbs. Then to be not overweight, I will still need to lose about 20 more lbs. I did this by using MFP to track calories, very accurately. I drink a gallon of water a…
  • Thank you very much @juliegilburd :)
  • I can't stand most of the newbies. I am 100% rooting for the returners! I hope they can stick together until they can't anymore. At some point they will have to turn on each other, I just hope they don't do it too soon. BYE BYE Jozea....hopefully Paul is next! P.s. I like the twists this year, except the team aspect. I…
  • I am a HUGE Big Brother fan. I actually would really like to audition for the show next summer. Believe it or not, it is one of my motivations for losing weight and getting in shape. I LOVE the vets. They will run this whole game if the newbees do not start changing their ways soon. They are falling right into the vets…
  • Thanks for the responses! I realize it is human, I was just grasping for a line and someone else to say I wasn't the only one. It is nice to hear others have the same experience. @StacyChrz - GREAT JOB! Keep it up. I can't wait to say I have lost 50 lbs. What a great accomplishment! I struggle with taking pictures even…
  • The background on my phone since I started my journey almost 5 weeks ago has been "Remember what you're fighting for." I see it every single day and it reminds me to keep going. It has been very helpful when my alarm goes off in the morning and it's time for a walk and I just don't feel like getting out of bed...I am…
  • I appreciate all the feedback this far. I will definitely look into some of these options. I am trying to avoid the doctor unless absolutely necessary because I do not want to pay the doctor bill, because as JanetYellen said, it is not covered in my insurance as it is not medically necessary. Anyways, I am continuing…