pcsd203 Member


  • I haven't done the 21 day fix. I know a few girls at work that do love it. The ones that used the containers, they said it really helped them realize how much they were eating and has helped them to control their portions. All of them did end up losing weight. I do T25, Hip Hop Abs and Body Beast. I started with T25 in…
  • Awesome job!!!!!
  • Its habit for me to log it now. It helps me stay on track and realize how many calories/fat are in some of the things I used to eat.
  • 5'6 Current 207, I want to get around 160....maybe less, but trying to keep it real. 27 gone so far since April!
  • I weigh every morning. I know I'm told not to do that. I have lost 27 pounds since April. I think for me it does actually help to check every morning. Keeps me motivated. Weight loss has been a bit slower in the last month, but doing more weights now, but now adding some cardio back in a few times a week. I'm not so much…
  • I would love to, but I am not able to. A friend showed me on her phone but the option to add a friend isn't on mine. :(.
  • It won't let me add friends, I can only message or ignore. Would love a few friends to help me stay on track.
  • I guess I am too new. When I click a name I only have the option to message or ignore.
  • 45....wanting to lose a total of 90. I started last May, lost 30, then just crapped out for a long time, but didn't gain it back thankfully, started again in April and down 13.....so total of 43 so far. We can do it!!! I haven't figured the adding friend thing yet, but will try Eddie's instructions.
  • For me the biggest thing has been accountability. Knowing that friends of mine know I am trying to lose, knowing they are going to ask how am I doing. The thought of saying...well I gained...or nothing new kills me. It really has helped. Seeing the scale drop and feeling better have helped me.
  • Missouri
  • I try to set one day aside and let myself have one...."bad" meal. I know me and in the past if I didn't let myself slide, when I broke down, it was bad...I'd eat anything and everything that was bad. My snack cravings are much much easier to deal with now and then knowing I will let myself have something helps. Hubby isn't…
  • I personally love the Shakeology and I could care less if I sell any. No one has pushed me or tried to get me to sell any. The friend of mine that has been using it for 2 years is a "coach" but did it for the discounts. I am the first person that ever bought "under" her. She is like me... don't care about the mlm part of…
    in Shakeology Comment by pcsd203 May 2016
  • I just signed up like 30 minutes ago. I am all for helping others as I know I need the help! Still have to figure out how to add friends! :o