Whats your GOAL or current weight range?



  • fabulousmo
    fabulousmo Posts: 41 Member
    CW 135 lb
    GW however many *more or less pounds* it takes to look "sculpted"; still a bit flabby in places
  • 46HealthyMe
    46HealthyMe Posts: 25 Member
    Maintain between 117-122. I'm currently at 120.
  • jalynwatson21
    jalynwatson21 Posts: 33 Member
    edited July 2016
    I'm 5'9 and am somewhere between 129 lbs and 133 lbs. I actually was struggling with being underweight for two years, but through bulking and weightlifting I have gained several pounds in pure muscle. I do not really have a goal weight, but I want to keep a low body fat percentage. My measurements are 30x23x36. My thighs are only 30 inches in comparison to my glutes, but I am working on making a more balanced figure through weightlifting.
  • pcsd203
    pcsd203 Posts: 16 Member
    5'6 Current 207, I want to get around 160....maybe less, but trying to keep it real. 27 gone so far since April!
  • sgt1372
    sgt1372 Posts: 3,991 Member
    SW 5/23/16: 196
    CW 7/6/16: 181.5
    GW: 175

    Goal within reach and expected w/in next 4-5 weeks.
  • whatever_46
    whatever_46 Posts: 18 Member
    My current weight is 163, but I'm pregnant. My goal weight is to be 115...or at the very least back to my pre-pregnancy weight of 125.
  • mkookies
    mkookies Posts: 67 Member
    SW: 189
    CW: 178
    GW: 150
  • annherrin
    annherrin Posts: 35 Member
    edited July 2016
    28 years old
    SW: 127
    GW: 110-115 (I generally fluctuate 5 lbs due to bloat during TOM) or whenever I get down to 22% BF
    CW: 120 with 25% BF
  • carmkizzle
    carmkizzle Posts: 211 Member
    154-158 range
    5 pounds to goal.
    This week im going harder.

    Why do you have a weight range if you aren't at goal weight yet?

    Is that not allowed or something?
  • brenn24179
    brenn24179 Posts: 2,144 Member
    CW: 169
    GW: 159
    As long as I am in the 160s that is ok, I want to eat some, use to weigh 208.
    Height 5'4
    163 years old
  • davidmartinez66
    davidmartinez66 Posts: 92 Member
    SW 266
    CW 174

    I am at the point where I am maintaining, I would like to stay within 173-177. Seems to be going okay thus far, trying not to loose to much more as my wife thinks I am going to disappear.
  • michellemybelll
    michellemybelll Posts: 2,228 Member
    i'm 5'1, my goal range is 102-108 lbs.
  • RayaQb
    RayaQb Posts: 51 Member
    I'm 5'4
    SW 290
    CW 275
    GW 150
    Once I get to 150 then I will gauge my maintenance weight :-)
  • AnthonyX150X
    AnthonyX150X Posts: 293 Member
    carmkizzle wrote: »
    154-158 range
    5 pounds to goal.
    This week im going harder.

    Why do you have a weight range if you aren't at goal weight yet?

    Is that not allowed or something?

    Usually when people are still trying to lose weight they are set in going down one direction. That's why I'm curious as to why she has a range. Just a question is all.
  • Moxie42
    Moxie42 Posts: 1,400 Member
    HT: 5'4.5"
    SW: 211
    CW: 201
    GW: Originally it was 125 but I'm going to re-evaluate when I get to 135.
  • carmkizzle
    carmkizzle Posts: 211 Member
    carmkizzle wrote: »
    154-158 range
    5 pounds to goal.
    This week im going harder.

    Why do you have a weight range if you aren't at goal weight yet?

    Is that not allowed or something?

    Usually when people are still trying to lose weight they are set in going down one direction. That's why I'm curious as to why she has a range. Just a question is all.

    I see.

    I'm not at goal yet, but I also have a range of 150-155. For me, 155 would be the highest I'd be "comfortable" with seeing on the scale whenever I weighed myself once or twice a month. Anything above that and I'd know that I'd better tighten up my diet. Of course, things may change as I get closer to my goal, so I'll see.
  • JessicaMcB
    JessicaMcB Posts: 1,503 Member
    Starting to get a little stress-y about this because my goal range is hard for me to nail down now. I'm 5'9", CW 144, GW was 140 but now wondering if I should go bottom of the range (128-130) because of my frame. Gaaaaah
  • xxxTiaxxx
    xxxTiaxxx Posts: 310 Member
    I'm 4'11 and my goal is between 51kg/112lbs - 47kgs/103lbs.
    I'll be happy with 48kgs/105lbs
  • suvoth
    suvoth Posts: 927 Member
    SW: 285
    CW: 152
    UGW: 130-135
  • Syneea
    Syneea Posts: 451 Member
    JessicaMcB wrote: »
    Starting to get a little stress-y about this because my goal range is hard for me to nail down now. I'm 5'9", CW 144, GW was 140 but now wondering if I should go bottom of the range (128-130) because of my frame. Gaaaaah
    Yep, this is how I feel. I'm 5'8, 144 and goal weight was 155 at one point ..then DEF 150 ...then 145 HAD to be it...nope nope and NOPE...I've been doing body weight exercises for months now so I'm somewhat sculpted... However with my frame and how I hold weight I HAVE to go lower...I'm going to continue on in a deficit and FOR REAL commit to heavy weight training in two weeks and then see what happens...