Dove0804 Member


  • First of all, eating more is never going to help lose more weight. In this case I think 1400 is still more than a reasonable goal, though, so I won't encourage you to go lower than that. Are you counting calories from your workouts? Most people drastically overestimate how many calories they are actually burning when…
  • When I was heavier and the weight came off more quickly, daily weighing was a good motivator and it really helped me understand normal fluctuations, water weight, etc. Now I've been sticking to somewhere around once a week, because I know my day can be thrown off if I'm a little heavier one day. As I get closer to goal I…
  • At first I weighed myself on a daily basis- I was 260 lbs and had a lot of weight to lose, and weighing myself every day helped me to see patterns- especially regarding water weight and how it plays with your head. It was good to get a sense of what was going on. Now, however, I’m 175 lbs and I’m weighing myself every…
  • There’s some good advice here as how to go about implementing something like a cheat day without sabotaging yourself. I personally don’t believe in the idea of “cheating”. Your body counts everything, full stop. If you have a lot to lose it’s not so big of a deal, but if you’re nearing your goal in a healthy weight range…
  • To echo others here- diet is THE most important for weight loss. It's great you have health-based goals and exercise produces a whole host of benefits, but weight-loss is not really one of them on its own. People often WAY overestimate how many calories they are burning through exercise, and often overcompensate by eating…
  • This is 100% normal and to be expected. Weight loss slows the closer you get to your goal. As long as you're eating at a deficit, you'll get there. Keep in mind though that the same things that worked for you at 180 lbs may not continue to work for you indefinitely, but it sounds like you're still losing at a reasonable…
  • A lot of great things were said in this thread, but I particularly love this. Thank you- it's fitting since I do have issues with wasting food and it does bother me when I see it go to waste, but that is a GREAT way to look at it.
  • I am hoping you meant well with this comment, but no: it's not that simple for many people or obesity wouldn't be the complex and widespread problem it is today. As a future suggestion this is not, on its own, helpful advice for anyone who is struggling. Thanks for the replies- I do much better when I have a plan so I like…
  • Yes, I think the misjudging of portions is a huge issue and is very much a cultural thing. Portions in restaurants get bigger and bigger, it becomes the norm to bring massive amounts of food in to work or a party, and our plates are much larger than they really should be. It's very hard to know how much is appropriate to…
  • I don't know if this is the case for you, but I think sometimes when people lose a significant amount of weight and start seeing positive changes, motivation actually decreases. I know a lot of people personally this has happened to- they start feeling / looking better and start wanting to "ease up" on what they've been…
  • As everyone else has said, you just have to do what's right for you. If you do weigh yourself daily, make sure it's under the same conditions every day (same time, after going to the bathroom, naked, etc.) like others have stated, and try to use a tracker to see overall trends. I currently weigh myself every day, but am…
  • I gave information- information is abundant on the boards and in the "most helpful threads" section. There are some wonderful people who have shared great studies and extensive scientific / mathematical explanations that are easily available. How awful to paint others who disagree with you as unsupportive, terrible people.…
  • A lot of us HAVE been through it, and realized that blaming a lack of weight loss because of eating too little is just an excuse. I used to think my "stalls" were for this very reason too, until I learned to recognize water retention and normal fluctuations (or just plain lax on logging) and continue forward. 1200 calories…
  • Well, at least one source of misinformation ends here. I'm disappointed that it continues to be spread. No one here is judging- we're all genuinely happy that you've found success so far, but many people come to the boards, get upset when they're told what they don't want to hear, say we're all mean, and leave. No one is…
  • Lots of great insight so far but this one in particular was what I was going to mention. I'm not in maintenance yet, but I spend probably more time thinking about maintenance than I do weight loss (or at least as much time). Reading a lot of posts on the message boards- weight creeping up is a super common thing. If you…
  • It is not a different brand name- bupropion (generic name for Wellbutrin) sustained release formulation is FDA approved for both things. Brand/generic doesn't matter. There are very few medications where there is such a narrow therapeutic window that it does matter, such as thyroid medications and certain antiepileptic…
  • Of course it's worth a shot- I think it's a perfectly reasonable choice to both combat depression and address the concern of weight gain, but it's not going to speed up metabolism. The side effect of weight loss associated with Wellbutrin is usually attributed to decreased hunger / potentially nausea. Not that I want to…
  • You are doing AWESOME! I have to admit, I gave a sigh of relief when I read that you don't live with her. I'm not trying to put down your mother, but I imagine it would be extremely difficult to live around those kind of comments all day long. To be honest, I wonder if she's a little on the controlling side based on that…
  • Yes, eating too few calories over an extended period of time can slow metabolism. No, it does not stop weight loss. If someone is eating too few calories, it will be unhealthy but they will lose weight.
  • I started at about 260 lbs, and I reached Onederland this summer! When you're going day to day, it feels like time is going soooo slowly and the weight can't come off fast enough. I'm at around 177 lbs now, and I'm wondering where the heck time went!
  • Oh dear. I'm happy that you've had success recently, but don't try to discredit CICO- for someone at your weight, 1600 calories per day is likely reasonable for weight loss (I don't have your details), but I do not believe for one second that you were eating around 1100 calories/day for years and maintained over 200 lbs.…
  • Just a note to everyone out there, because this is a common thing on these boards- be careful about attributing significant weight gain to medication. Weight gain is usually secondary to things like increased hunger or increased somnolence (so you're not moving as much). Depression by nature can also cause those things.…
  • Exactly this. I started at 260 lbs. After I had lost 43 lbs, I remember feeling frustrated because I still didn't really look or feel different. It wasn't until I passed below the 200-lb mark (or somewhere around there) that it became obvious. It happened kind of suddenly. I'm 177 lbs now. To be honest, most days I just…
  • You are an absolute rockstar. I love your new hairstyle, too! Unfortunately, weight loss surgery does have a stigma, but usually because people are completely uneducated about the process and how much effort is required. Thanks so much for sharing and I know you'll continue to do AWESOME!
  • Congratulations and welcome to Onederland!!! I got there myself just this summer. It's a crazy feeling, right? I feel like it happened yesterday and I remember it well.
  • Unfortunately, this isn't a question anyone on here is going to be able to answer for you- it's really a discussion with your doctor. Prior to surgery you should have had extensive discussions and planning as to how you'll eat before and after surgery. Have you been following those instructions to a T? You'll need to learn…
  • Try to come up with a few canned responses for people when they start asking questions that are none of their beeswax. When people ask me how much I lost, or what my highest weight was, or what my goal is, I say "oh, I don't give numbers". When they ask how I've done it, I just say "the boring way" unless they're genuinely…
  • That is so awesome!!! I'm flattered! I don't think my family's ready for that, yet. I feel like denial is the hardest hurdle to get over and I can't do that for them :(
  • It sounds like you think too much about what other people look like, honestly. I find it strange that you were complimenting your future father-in-law so much and so frequently and only later thought about potential health issues. Did he ever bring the topic up himself or express he was trying to lose weight? Keep in mind…
  • I think that's really really awesome when someone thinks to ask that question, though- I've known people who have lost weight while undergoing chemo, because of mental health issues, drug abuse, uncontrolled diabetes, eating disorders- lots of reasons that they may not feel like sharing. That's one of the reasons why I…