bonnie824 Member


  • salt and fat- I am always high on my fat macro
  • I also try and buy either made in America or fair trade. The ones I avoid the most are "American" companies that are not getting taxed as imports but take their jobs to the cheapest country they can find.
  • What a cutie. We walk with my (beagle mix) and my daughter's mix mix but they are smellers and players so we don't get a lot of exercise that way really. We also do water aerobics 3 nights a week at the Y.
  • a little walking (a dog is great for this) and for me and my husband (who has arthritis in his back) water aerobics have worked best.
  • I'm DD and don't lose their first for sure, but in the past when I dropped down low enough to be in my healthy weight range I did get to C cup. Never lower but that was my size when I was at a good weight. I think whatever cup size you wore at your best weight might be as low as you go.
    in Boobs Comment by bonnie824 June 2016
  • One week and one more day or "school" and then summer off. We are going to Wisconsin the first week in July for my husband's dad's memorial (he actually passed in early January in Arizona, their winter place.) I would love to go a few pounds lighter.
  • Pinterest has lots of 1200 a day plans and ideas. I found it too low for long term and moved to 1400, but I am pretty large.
  • pre-plan the restaurants for the lower calorie choices and/or eat half/take half with you, maybe for supper or a pet or such.
  • low carb will do that to me- and most people I think. If you eat low carb you need to add metamucil or something. If not, eat whole grain pasta, brown rice, sweet potatoes, beans.
  • I had to cut salt to lower blood pressure a few years ago (and probably always should as I tend to retain water a lot even when my blood pressure is fine. Anyway, what worked for me was the Dash diet. Some things that helped were spicier foods, lime squeezed on stuff (tastes a bit salty), and more cooking. Processed foods…
  • I agree Allie. I think the forums were what made WW online work for me at least. The best was meetings with 2 friends long long ago, but I am a lot older now, don't want to spend that much money on my slow weight loss, and not crazy for the newest plan.
  • Thanks for the welcomes. I lost a pound and am feeling a little confident. It helps that I changed from losing 1.5 to 1 and from sedentary to light activity so get more calories. The 1200 was just not enough for a daily thing. I kept cheating, then would feel I'd blown it and not log the next day. As for my June goals-…
  • the Bai sparkly waters have a nice flavor for mixer and are almost no calories.
  • Hi all. I'm Bonnie and kind of a serial stop and starter for different logging plans. Message boards do seem to be important in me sticking though. So, starting June goals a few days into the month. * Log every day the rest of this month- even if I go over * reduce salt and drink more water so I'll know if it's water…
  • I have mixed feelings. I join WW for awhile every time they change plans and it always does work initially- I lose weight. But I can't seem to stick with it. Especially now. I am not a big meat eater. Or fruit. I found by eating what I actually liked I had to go too low calorie to sustain. And if I ate what is low point I…