
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Also missing Mia and her pretty red hat and blown glass.

    Janetr okc
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Thank you all for the compliments. I really am just repeating things I have learned from other people, mostly in the Peer Support movement (people with mental illnesses helping others in their struggles) but also things I have learned in my training, from observing other good therapists, workshops I have attended. I think the reason I sound "wise" is that I only remember the things I thought would have helped me, and have not bothered to remember a lot of the garbage a lot of therapists and others spew. The bit about thinking about learning experiences rather than failures was an article I read decades ago in response to so many people's frustration when abused women end up going back to their abuser. It was written by a woman who was finally able to leave for good. It talked about how women in that situation often don't feel safe, or feel that they can manage on their own, or have the resources or support that they need, but by trying they are learning what they need to eventually make the final escape. It resonated with me because I was so afraid to leave my abusive former husband. And then I thought about all the other ways it made sense.

    Stop beating up on yourself is a nicer way to say what many Peer Support Specialists and cognitive therapists find helpful, "Don't SHOULD on yourself." That is, don't be telling yourself, "I should be.... I should do..." It is like sh**ting on yourself. Very destructive. When one is depressed, one is most apt to do this stinking thinking.

    I do hope that I am helpful to all the ladies here. I have had a career of helping others in a similar manner, through working on mental health units, as a Peer Support Specialist in the community, and by starting and running a support group for people with mood disorders when I lived in Idaho. Many of us have bits of wisdom to share, and sometimes one person's comments will resonate with someone, and sometimes it is someone else's comments that will help. That is why this group is so effective. Lots of different woman all providing peer support to one another.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Becca: You had quite a trip, and now it's a waiting game. Waiting is the worst part of a situation when all you want is to fix things and yesterday was not soon enough. I'm keeping you and your DH in my prayers. I hope the doctors use this time to figure out just the right thing to do. :heart:

    Marcelyn: I'm happy you were able to plant something in your brief sunny moment in a wet day. :smiley:

    Sue: I remember doing pelvic floor exercises after giving birth to each of my children. They did eventually help my situation but it took a little while. Now that I'm older I still do them occasionally when I think I need them. I hope that they'll be effective for you. :flowerforyou:

    Barbie: Have fun at the line dance workshop. I'm keeping good thoughts for Jake. I hope every thing goes well for him. :flowerforyou:

    Miriam: I love this. It resonates with truth and wisdom. "Stop beating up on yourself is a nicer way to say what many Peer Support Specialists and cognitive therapists find helpful, "Don't SHOULD on yourself." That is, don't be telling yourself, "I should be.... I should do..." It is like sh**ting on yourself. Very destructive. When one is depressed, one is most apt to do this stinking thinking."

    I went to a retirement celebration for one of my former teaching partners this evening and had a great time. It was good to see so many people that I worked with for years but have not seen since retiring.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    Tibetan proverb: "The secret to living well and long is: Eat half, walk double, laugh triple and love without measure..."

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Becca, I may not be reading it right or not completely understanding the severity of the situation, but isn't a stone in the duct better than rejection? Or will the surgery to remove the stone be just as serious on a transplanted liver as it would be for a whole new transplant. Of course Charlie always says I look at everything through rose colored glasses. So I may just not be 'hearing' how bad this may be. Hope you all get a good night's sleep and have a peaceful weekend. As far as your diet, well sometimes it's jsut hard to do it ins tress so don't beat yourself up. let us love on you and you love on your hubbie.
  • MightyLolo
    MightyLolo Posts: 504 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,650 Member
    Slept well.
    Soon to be off.
    Love you ladies!

    Heather UK
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Heather - have a wonderful time!!

    Janetr OKC
  • CSSJ09
    CSSJ09 Posts: 296 Member
    Slept well.
    Soon to be off.
    Love you ladies!

    Heather UK

    Trygg reise. Bon voyage. Have a good trip.
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Heather, hope it's amazing! Can't wait to see pics of you and Penny together near the Pole... :)

    At the ranch, listening to the dishwasher run and the dryer turning, while the DH sleeps... Letting him sleep in as long as he can, wish my body would let me do that.

    We've got a lot of stuff to pick up this morning, my boss asked me to clean out the back storage room and sell everything in the next sale. Some cool stuff, for sure. An antique paste-up table from the original days of the paper is going to be interesting, as in, it will be interesting to see if, between the two of us, we can get it out of the building. It's a monster. Already took five boxes of coffee cups and assorted other left-behinds out of the office kitchen and over to the warehouse. Works for me, I like less clutter at work, and if they sell, that's awesome...

    Got an editorial to write in between loads of laundry... thinking of y'all. New, long-term, happy, sad, damp, and otherwise. Eat less, move more, live large. Love y'all.

    See ya in the funny papers!
    Lisa in West Texas
  • Gloworm46
    Gloworm46 Posts: 96 Member
    Have an extraordinary time Heather!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,165 Member
    :) Got up early so the dogs can have a good walk before I leave at 5:30.

    :)Heather, your trip sounds so great to me....enjoy every minute of it, especially the part where you are with Penny

    :)Michele, I haven't paid any attention to iron..it's not been a problem for me so I won't borrow trouble.

    253149qtzkf0ld22.gifBarbie from beautiful sunny NW Washington where it is expected tobe much too hot for us today t113030.gif

    Success is inspirational...disaster is educational
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,036 Member
    Morning kids~
    I was wondering about Mindy too..
    Barbie~my dad has been vegetarian for about 25-30 yrs, although he will eat fish and eggs ,ice cream ,and what he doesn't know is egg rolls that have pork in them :open_mouth: he see's a regular doctor and a naturopath.. and with mitral valve prolapse and a-fib he still does pretty well. he almost died a few years ago as he got babisia for a tick,so he had lyme and the parasite and was ICU for a few weeks.I can see him slowing down a bit but his age he is still pretty spry and with Taliah there it will boost his spirit's for sure..
    Heather~have a spectacular time and cant wait for pictures,,
    Barbie~ have an awesome time..
    Becca~ will continue to keep you both in my prayers
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    ann I know u work with your ex. Are the texts from him about work? If not, just block them. Remember that this is the time of year for you that is painful and that could be why you are having a hard time focusing. I am not one for meditating but in my own way I have learned to push the persistent negative self talk out of my mind. You have the power to do that. When they pop up gently ask them to leave! Tell them no thank you I would rather think of something else, tell them I am choosing something different to focus on. Sometimes, as a teacher i have noticed that the negative, neediest behavior can be ignored until it fizzles out especially when you train your attention onto something really actively positive. Doesn't mean that annoying behavior is gone, so it comes back and you deal with it again. I think you are making strides in your journey don't forget that.
    Karen from NY
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,412 Member
  • tryingtolive1
    tryingtolive1 Posts: 245 Member
    klanders30 wrote: »
    ann I know u work with your ex. Are the texts from him about work? If not, just block them. Remember that this is the time of year for you that is painful and that could be why you are having a hard time focusing. I am not one for meditating but in my own way I have learned to push the persistent negative self talk out of my mind. You have the power to do that. When they pop up gently ask them to leave! Tell them no thank you I would rather think of something else, tell them I am choosing something different to focus on. Sometimes, as a teacher i have noticed that the negative, neediest behavior can be ignored until it fizzles out especially when you train your attention onto something really actively positive. Doesn't mean that annoying behavior is gone, so it comes back and you deal with it again. I think you are making strides in your journey don't forget that.
    Karen from NY

    Thanks Karen. The texts are mostly personal in nature. Pushing the negative thoughts out has proven very tough for me. I am actually going to see someone later in the week who deals with people who don't feel so great about themselves and maybe can help me control some of the anxiety I feel. It has gotten bad enough that my chest hurts all the time. Hopefully they can help me push through this and come out the other side reasonably well adjusted.

    Anne from Wisconsin
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,225 Member
    Bon Voyage Heather!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,160 Member
    morning peeps-

    grits - just saw your post. i didn't give you my point about the dog situation ( i still won't). i just related a story i could remember about some pits when i was younger. i know therapy dogs that are pits. i am going to stop right there and say no more which is my NSV for the day, shut up when i don't want to...

    supposed to be hot today, gonna go run for 2 hrs see how far i get
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    This morning we have a great big wild turkey in the backyard. I love that we can sit in our Florida room facing the pasture and wooded area just beyond and enjoy the wildlife. On my gratitude list for today. :)

    Janetr okc
  • bonnie824
    bonnie824 Posts: 15 Member
    Hi all. I'm Bonnie and kind of a serial stop and starter for different logging plans. Message boards do seem to be important in me sticking though. So, starting June goals a few days into the month.

    * Log every day the rest of this month- even if I go over
    * reduce salt and drink more water so I'll know if it's water weight and not assume
    * limit wine to one glass a night
    * stop eating when I've had enough, especially in restaurants

    By the way, is there a way for the newest posts to be on top?
  • SSC1958
    SSC1958 Posts: 411 Member
    Jane - welcome back
    Becca: I love your descriptions of food. I'm glad you made it back safe and sound from the road trip. :)
    Heather: Enjoy your trip. Norway was so beautiful when I went on a cruise there.
    Karen in Virginia: I loved your story :)
    Anne in Wisconsin: Anxiety can get to me as well and it is usually because I'm focusing on something I can't control or something I've blown out of proportion. I usually have to distract my brain and immediately focus on something else which helps with chest pain and breathing. If my brain keeps going back to the same thing I write it down, list any actions I can take to resolve or improve it or identify that it is out of my control. The actual fact of writing it down seems to get it out of my brain and let me move on to something else.

    Carey- Northern Alberta
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Anne from WN: Karen has given you wonderful advice. I hope you are able to follow it. (((HUGS))) :heart:

    grits: I remember when Doberman Pincers were the dog of choice for drug dealers. They were taught to be aggressive and the breed got a bad name because of it. Now Pitbulls are getting the attention that used to go to Dobermans. Bad dogs are far more rare than bad owners. :grumble:

    Heather: Is the departure day? Bon Voyage! :bigsmile:

    bonnie824: Welcome. Bookmark the page by clicking on the hollow star at the top of the page. When I log in the next day the site automatically takes me to my own last post and I start from there. That way I don't miss seeing any posts. :flowerforyou:

    Yesterday I went to a retirement party for one of my teaching partners. It was wonderful to see everyone! I had an early appetizer with a close friend and followed her to the site of the party. So many people I worked with were there. I really enjoyed seeing them again. This is the second retirement party I've been to since I lost weight. I didn't go last year. People were surprised to see the change again. A few of those may not have seen me the last time. I was afraid I'd way over done it on the food but the scale gave me good news this morning--no gain.

    Heat warnings here today. We plan to stay cool. I'm so glad someone was inspired to invent air conditioning! I'm very grateful for it.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    Tibetan proverb: "The secret to living well and long is: Eat half, walk double, laugh triple and love without measure..."

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison
  • MightyLolo
    MightyLolo Posts: 504 Member
    Happy Saturday!
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Pip - And I was just voicing a story as well. Politics, Religion, and dog stories won't be something I mention; unless the (dog) story is pleasant.

    Katla - My Mimi had small Doberman Pinchers and a couple of Dalmatians. ALL of them were very 'protective' of her. None of them did I want to be around. I've only had 1 big dog since DH and I have been married; I prefer a smaller dog, such as a JRT, Beagle, or my "Jack Rat" (who makes us laugh all the time). I had big dogs while growing up - usually playing with my Daddy's 'hunting dogs'. You're right; there are more bad owners who train their dogs to be aggressive and fighting than 'bad' dogs (counting all of them). I have to relate a story about my BF; whose grandson had 2 Pit-Bulls - they'd bark and sound awful if you came in their yard; but, were really very sweet. The female saw the dog (another pit-bull) in the yard next door and dug under the fence to play with him; she was going to require more than a 1000 stitches and a long recovery, if she survived the injuries and the surgery to close them; she had her put down; and, cried for days.

    Growing up we had 'bird dogs' and I played with them which can sometimes make them 'sorry' bird dogs; but, my Daddy let me because he took them out twice or more times a week and hunted with them. First dog my parents had after I was born was a German Shepard; paper man came around the side of the house to give my mother the paper; and, the dog went into his stance of protection and growled. Mother had to 'sign' to him to 'go back' and 'leave the paper' on the front doorstep. He was deaf and mute. My favorite dog was a small German shepherd mix who got left on our doorstep the Christmas Eve of my Junior year in HS. He whined and sounded like a baby; which it could have been since my Daddy was an attorney and would have made sure a baby got a good home. I went to the door and he was sitting on the 'gang plank' that had been laid from the foundation of the old porch to the front door. He followed me wherever I went; then he followed my Daddy everywhere after I went off to 'art school'. Never 'messed' in the house and once got locked up in the office over a weekend. Tried chewing the door open; couldn't ... but he about knocked my Daddy down as he shot past him to 'go do his business' elsewhere. I cried when he disappeared (probably got stolen); maybe by a disgruntled client. Two pointers, 2 Red Spaniels (one Daddy brought one home that he found wandering in the woods; figured she must have been 'gun shy' and left by owner to die), Springer Spaniel that my Daddy had to put down because I did not put the chain back on the fence gate and she got out and was hit by a car. He hit me; hard with it - and then realized what he had done, and threw it out in the yard. He hugged me, started crying, and told me he was sorry; he'd never hit me 'in anger' ... but, he was angry that day. In fact, he had never even spanked me. I cried, too - not from being hit by a link of chain; but, because I had also lost a pet. We've never put a dog or a cat down; but, would have if they would have suffered too much. It would be like putting a family member down - which I don't believe in.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,160 Member
    .74 miles done 326 to go
  • Free_style
    Free_style Posts: 15 Member
    edited June 2016
    Hi, I am new to the group but would like to post my intentions for the of June 2016. My name is Paula and I reside in Northern California. There's so much I can write but as we become better acquainted, I can share. In February 2015, I weighed 161 pounds, today I am at 185 pounds. Life happens...So I am on a journey to get healthier and have a better life with less aches and pains. Yikes!

    My June 2016 intentions are as follows:

    [*] Log my food in MFP or journal daily
    [*] Walk 2-3 miles each morning
    [*] Daily affirmation
    [*] Take multivitamins daily
    [*] Drink at least 80 ounces of water daily
    [*] Limit total screen time TV and extraneous computer activity to 2 hours per day
    [*] Lift weights 3 times a week
    [*] Learn to meditate and stress less
    [*] Focus on finding a job
    [*] Declutter Mom's garage when time permits
    [*] Ride bicycle as often as possible
    [*] Core strengthening, twice a week for at minimum 20 minutes
    [*] Yoga or stretching, twice a week for 20 minutes
    [*] Daily prayer and meditation
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    .74 miles done 326 to go

    You set challenging goals. I'm sure you'll get there. :heart:

  • LAT1963
    LAT1963 Posts: 1,375 Member
    My goal for June is a lot simpler--log consistently on mfp.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,650 Member
    Hi all! Internet sooooooo so in the cabin, but I'm giving it a go!
    All going very well so far, but DH and I nearly fell out over cupboard space!

    It appears, because we have booked a very good cabin, that we get free room service, free drinks, free canapés, free snacks, free tea and coffee - all in our suite and ..... wait for it ......FREE LAUNDRY!!!!!!!!!!!!! How great is that! If I'd known I wouldn't have brought so much stuff!
    Managed to book a lovely table for two that is ours for the voyage. Next to the Captain 's table.
    The highlight of today was the champagne party on deck with a fly by of a Spitfire!!!!!!!!!!! Cool, or what? Over the White Cliffs Of Dover, which was playing. I got a snap with my phone, but I'm having trouble sending it to myself, so can't post it yet.

    The meal tonight looks great, but I'm running out of calories, even though I exercised this morning. I will go fishy, no carbs and not much sauce.

    DH likes it all, apart from the row over the storage. :D
    We have a lovely balcony with comfortable seating and the evening sun.
    Dinner at 7pm.
    Tomorrow I will investigate the tiny indoor pool and the gym. :D Loads of stairs on the boat though.

    Heather UK
  • tshirtartist
    tshirtartist Posts: 109 Member
    I am so glad I found this group! I am 53 and struggling with my weight yet again. I have 30lbs to lose which doesn't seem bad considering I lost 200lbs 15 years ago and only gained back top hose 30, but it is a constant yoyo thing. I am really into health and Besides from the out of control feeling I with food scaring me, the thought of health issues as I age scares me just as much. I was a caregiver to my dad for 8 years before he passed away a year and a half ago. The grief of that has led my back to food for comfort and as you all already know, food really isn't that comforting!
    I am ready to get back my self confidence and feel comfortable in my skin again and would love the accountability and support! I will be here to support you all as well. Funny of all the diets I have tried over the years I have never tried weight watchers and was thinking of joining but thought what is the difference between that and MFP if I just took advantage of the group support?
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,160 Member
    Katla49 wrote: »
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    .74 miles done 326 to go

    You set challenging goals. I'm sure you'll get there. :heart:

    it's only cuz of this bicycle challenge. i ran today but didn't do as long or as many miles as i had initially planned. my calves and hamstrings are tight because of all the riding during the week so i only ran for an hr instead of 2, still did over 6mi so that was ok, can't train for the marathon AND try to make this 400 mile bike goal at the same time... i'll kill myself