

  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    My visit with my mom was kind of sad! I can tell that she is going down mentally and even more physically. She could barely sit up to eat the fried chicken I brought her; but, she enjoyed that so much. What should have been 1-1/2 drive home took 2-1/2 hours. :'(

    DJ ~ Good luck on your garage sale. I know in GA we are expecting rain. Yes, it is hot and humid.

    Janet ~ I am sorry about the goats. We all get off track sometimes, but, you can get back. Just log everything and be mindful.

    Barbie ~ I looked at your diary (thanks for sharing). Have you always been a vegetarian? I am sure you will have fun at your line dancing seminar. Am thinking about Jake and hope the surgery helps him a lot.

    Miriam ~ With all you knowledge about so many things, have you ever thought of working from you home online. I bet you could help a lot of people.

    Allison ~ I agree with others that you need to take time for yourself. It seems like you are letting everyone take advantage of you. You don't have to be at the beck and call of others in order to be loved.


  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Joyce: I've been drinking unsweetened sparkling water or coffee sweetened with stevia. I've found a stevia product that I like best. It is SweetLeaf Sweet Drops Vanilla Creme. No calories, and no aspartame, sucralose, or other artificial sweetener. Good luck finding something that is healthy and palatable. (((HUGS)))

    Heather: Your comments about being more "selfish" make sense to me. I've found that I have to look after myself carefully or I'm neither good for myself nor those I love. It is the essential reason I set a goal to have fun every day. The "fun goal" has changed my life in very positive ways and doesn't take away from those I love. :heart:

    Yoga today and a social event later on. I'm meeting a dear friend for late lunch, and then we're going to a retirement celebration at the school where we both taught for several years. Three people I worked with are retiring, and I want to help them celebrate their new futures.

    I've been thinking about Becca and her DH. I know they had a late appointment for testing at OHSU in Portland yesterday. I hope things went well.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    Tibetan proverb: "The secret to living well and long is: Eat half, walk double, laugh triple and love without measure..."

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    Carolin-NC Your post reminded me .....our younger DD....49....had the same thing done to her shoulder 2 wks ago & is doing fine.I had the same procedure on a knee. No one warned me & when they stood me up,the lower leg was like wet spaghetti! Was scary,but next morn was fine.My Dad had bad scar tissue after every surgery.Thank heaven they can keep it from happening now. Pat
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Janetr and pip34 – We have a strict leash law (in town and also in the county). Man that lives 5 or so miles away from us had a lot of sheep; and, 3 pit-bulls (down the street) killed or maimed every one of them one night, came back 2nd night and he shot at them. Big stink in town about it. He had reported the dogs roaming around and they would not come out and do anything about it. One day we saw a lame goat, llama, pit-bull, lab, and French Periennese (sp) [herding dog] coming through our property. We called the animal control, they came out; because they had had several calls about them during the week. Under the right conditions, pit-bulls mights be friendly and loving; but, I don’t trust any of them. I don’t trust too many ‘big dog breeds’ … they are usually very territorial and one- or two-person dogs. The pack of strange animals belonged several miles away; owner called and told ‘if they return to our property, all would be shot’; he came and got them thankfully. With young children playing in yard did not know what the herding dog might do it they got between them and their charges.

    DDnL#1 started 'new' job on Tuesday, after walking out on a job she had had almost since they were married last Thursday; yesterday she 'quit' it and came home. I guess today, she'll be sitting at the SSAdmin Office to get a copy of hers and MDGD SS cards so she'll have hers when she applies for another job; and DMGD can get her 'learner's license'. I told her that I'd 'flip burgers' before going back to the original job; she had already gone back to them once. It's not going to change or get any better for her. Her self-esteem has taken a huge hit. More than $$$, they need 'benefits'. They 'need' that 2nd income, too.

    Found out yesterday that DYS took DDnL#2 to a 'specialist' (OB/GYN) and they ran dye through her reproductive pipe works and discovered that both Fallopian tubes are blocked; so their only other option for have a baby would be 'in vitro fertilization'. MD told her that to unblock them; he'd have to cut her from one hip to the other; and, the surgery is too dangerous and not always successful. She wants so badly to have a child with DYS; but, we told her last night; we had a family ... Will loves and treats her daughter as if she was his own. We'd be praying for them whatever decision they make. $15K is a lot of money for each attempt. I've know people who have had it and it worked first time around. DH's daughter had it done; successfully, although we have not seen her in nearly 10 years (her choice, not ours). Also 2 of them had a multiple birth; one with twins and the other with triplets. Maybe that is why both son and I have had dreams of twins or triplets. I don't know if they are going to go this route or not. They have pretty much run out of options other than IVF. Please keep them in your prayers. Thanks.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,714 Member
    Grits- rather than address your comments about the dog subject, I could go on all day, I will keep my mouth shut
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,714 Member
    edited June 2016
    Morning peeps-
    60 mi as of this morning 340to go
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,356 Member
    edited June 2016
    Well, ladies, the packing is DONE! :drinker: Two suitcases, plus a "carry all". Plus my normal handbag. It all went in except for my goose down coat and my huge walking boots. I have a fleece, anorak and sturdy trainers in there, so that should be enough. ;) DH has a huge suitcase, stuffed full, and a rucksack.
    I've never packed for a four season holiday before, plus clothes and shoes for three formal evenings (prom type ), including sports and hiking gear. Phew! At least when we've unpacked in the cabin that's it.
    Then we went out to get some cash and veg for tonight and then I did my roots. Natural blonde again. :D
    I always feel so much better when I'm packed. It did look a bit like one of those cartoons where a desperate person is sitting on top of a bulging suitcase, trying to close it! :laugh: I've still got to drag them downstairs, but after that other people will be manhandling them at the port.
    The car people rang, so that's all sorted. No one can ever find our house as the satnav takes you right up the lane. >:)
    I hope to check in quickly tomorrow, but won't have masses of time as we want to do our exercises first thing.

    Thank you so much for all your good wishes. The wifi on the ship is in the Library and won't always be reliable, but I will do my best. <3 Penny and I will definitely be posting a photo of our meeting.

    Heather UK
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited June 2016
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    Grits- rather than address your comments about the dog subject, I could go on all day, I will keep my mouth shut

    I second your comment, Pip.

    I will REPEAT tho, these were NOT pit bulls nor any other breed considered "dangerous".

    Janetr okc
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Heather - I know you will have a terrific trip. Oh how I would love to be coming along. Take care and have fun.

    Janetr okc
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,714 Member
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy Fri
    hugs jane
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Good morning ladies (((hugs))). It's 11:33 AM and I have just had my Van's waffles, with peanut butter, 1/2 sliced banana, drizzled with honey. And of course coffee... The specialized MRI was done at 9 PM ish, because she had room early, instead of 9:50 PM. We arrived at 3:30 PM and checked in, thinking that the lady would give us a priceless look because our appointment was at 9:50 PM, but sadly she didn't really react.... We then checked in at the appropriate area, and I set my phone for a 2 hr nap. There is a room that is dark off to the side of the Specialty Surgical Area, and when I lived at the hospital for 2 days while husband was getting his liver transplant, I found many places to sleep. So I made my nest of a chair and a small couch, and rested, but didn't really sleep. The evening went by sort of quickly, and I went down and grabbed an over-priced veggie wrap that had feta, olives, hummus, purple onion, spinach, avocado, and a bunch other stuff!

    The trip home was long, and at parts scary. Driving 60 into darkness, and at various times cars on your bumper wanting you to go even faster is unsettling. We got home at 12:30 AM ish, and I had a bowl of cereal, took some Back & Body pain meds and crashed.

    Dear husband had slept the whole way to Portland, so I think he felt bad on the way home. So he kept me company, and we sang to all the best songs. He is a great travel partner. These trips take such a toll on the man, I can tell. As we got into Seaside, he said his eyes were killing him. I think the fact that he has had jaundice for so long, his eyes feel so grainy, and itchy. Poor guy... He started his sleep when we got home, not wearing his brace...but then at about 3 AM I put the velco one back on him. Hoping to get an appointment scheduled to get x-rays on his knee and see how it is healing. He is tired of the dang braces.

    Today we are hoping that the liver transplantation team will come up with a plan of action regarding my husband. The doctor when he called on Wednesday stated that my husbands case was going to be discussed at the weekly conference that they have. What is frustrating is that the doctors could never explain WHY my husbands original liver up and stopped working. Hopefully this isn't the same case with this transplanted one.

    Thanks everyone for your continuing thoughts, I did think of that while I was zooming around in blackness. That you all were on my shoulders giving me strength and courage. It helped to know I am not alone in this.

    Will update you on more as I know it. ((((((((((((((((hugs)))))))))))) my ladies!
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,836 Member
    Heather- had to jump in and shout "Bon Voyage!" I would shout it in Norwegian, but I haven't taken that language yet!
    Dogs- "I.like.big.dogs.and I cannot lie!" I like all animals, but I have always been partial to big dogs. As a child I grew up with a german shepard/ husky mix. Gentle as a lamb, but looked intimidating. Lots of big dog breeds are family animals and great with children. That said, I would never leave a child alone with any dog, big or small. While dogs can be unpredictable, so can children. What may be innocent curiosity of a child, could be interpreted as a threat by any dog. Shame on the owners who groom the aggressive behavior in a dog and don't control their animals. Keeping your dogs fenced/leashed is keeping them safe as well as keeping the community safe.
    Allie-As one of the "newer kids" on the block, I don't know much of your history with Tom. I do know, from some of your descriptions of his "Royal Grumpiness" he reminds me of my husband. Tim and I blow hot and cold and we have our whole marriage. Before we married, we met when we were 14 and began dating in high school; but we never stayed together for more than maybe 6 weeks before I would call it quits. After an engagement of (you guessed it) about two months, then found out I was pregnant and we decided to get married (at age 23). We are the proverbial "odd couple". He is neat/ I was a slob(I hve gotten better at this), he is very organized/ I was very disorganized (also better here), he has a budget/ I was loosey-goosey with the finances (now I am a bigger tight-wad than he is), he is a pessimist/ I am an optimist. Perhaps we never should have married. We have had many great times; but there are days that I want to strangle him. He pisses and moans about EVERYTHING! When I am calm and logical, I do realize that most of Tim's moods are all coming from health issues, financial issues (budget tighter than a pair of "goal" jeans), stresses of aging parents. He does tend to lash out at me and until recently I took it. Now I give it back to him. I don't know. I guess I don't have any great advice for you. Miriam and the others have a great point about looking out for you and don't let him treat you badly. I guess I just wanted to say, I know where you are and you just have to follow your heart. When it is time to go, you will know. If it is time to stay, you will know that, too! Much love! And one of the girls advised you to start saying "no" to others. You are going to wear yourself out! <3
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,836 Member
    Becca-Goodness! What a day! Hope the docs and figure out a strategy for you and I hope you and your dh are able to get some rest/peace! Love and hugs <3
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Quick note from work... Lenora, I had the surgery your DDnL's doc was talking about when I was 25, and yes, it is a huge cut, and it very emphatically did not work, my tubes scarred back over immediately. I'm glad the medical establishment has realized it's not effective. It was a lot of trauma without a good result.

    Lisa in West Texas
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,816 Member
    Happy Friday, can you tell I have the weekend off? Well our rain has stopped and summer has arrived. It has been a strange week and not sure how I am feeling. I get off work in about an hour and then have a job interview. I have to part time positions open and otherwise we are at full staff. That has not happened in over a year. I am slowly learning how to be a supervisor and taking classes the hospital is offering. I was surprised at the number of new supervisors as two classes I have been to have had at least 6 people there.
    Becca--Sending hugs and prayers for you and DH. I love the show the Tiny house. I know I could never live in one as have to many things I could not give up and with three fur babies.
    Barbie-- Sending hugs and prayers for you and DH. I know losing a child is not easy, our son will be gone 17 years father's day.
    Janetr--Pray that DGS is doing well with rehab and it works.
    Jane--Sending prayer that your surgery goes well and you feel better soon.
    Well ladies not much else to say. I love you ladies and keep you in my daily prayers.
    Blessings, Vicki Grand Island, NE
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Becca, I think of you often and now that this testing is done, the waiting might even be worse. I'm glad his case will be discussed with other experts and they can get a plan for him which of course means you also. To go through this twice, well I just can't imagine.

    Charlie's surgeon called me today, well he called us it's just that I answered the phone. I was impressed that he would do that. He was just checking to see how he was after a day at home. His biopsies were all negative and after examining the whole colon, there was another polyp. His drainage he is having is normal.

    e have been catching up on some of our favorite shows that were on the DVR. I really need Charlie to help me understand Person of interest and Wayward Pines. They are to deep for this brain of mine. I think I am finally being able to understand Person of interest and it only has 2 more episodes until the series finale. But this is just the 2nd episode of this season's Wayward Pines. It's a weird one.

    On the subject of a pit bull. My youngest, Michelle is a huge fan of proper training of the dog and the owner and any pit bull can be trained. She loves any dog if it's trained. One day I was at her company picnic with her and this big dog came and put his precious nose on my knees as I was eating my hot dog. Michelle just burst out laughing and told me that I was petting a pit. He did have some other dog mix in him as he didn't have the typical pit face. But he sure was a comic. And the ones he loved to make laugh the most was the children. Michelle frequently babysits her friends dogs and she loves to bring them over to our yard to run since she doesn't have to have them all on a leash as she walks them from her car to the fenced in dog park. It's easier just to bring them to our house. She has never told her Dad that this pit is playing in our yard and Charlie is enjoying it and petting him. We do realize that it is the bad ones that give them such a bad rap and also when there are more than 2 running around free without leashes.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,714 Member
  • Marcelynh
    Marcelynh Posts: 974 Member
    edited June 2016
    Hey everyone. Guess what....

    Yup. It's raining.

    Four more days of rain then we get three days of sunshine followed by another week of rain. In a month we will be begging for rain because it will be 100+ degrees and 80% humidity. So... I have decided not to complain today, maybe cry but not complain... I did have about an hour of sunshine around noon and ran outside to finish planting some things. It was a wonderful hour.

    I'm fighting the munchies with all this being inside.

    swimming upstream in Houston