

  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    patceoh wrote: »
    Good morn & Welcome June.Had to skip thru posts......way more than I can keep up with.Thinking all good things for those taking care of family.Joyce,Becca & Barbie........ & any I missed.
    klanders,your daughter is lovely.Of course you know that ;)

    Love the potting shed & lilacs.Lilacs have always been my fav.We visited a small town in Mass yrs ago & the whole town had them everywhere.
    Someone mentioned that ppl who don't stay around have quit learning? That takes in a lot of posters.There are many reasons why ppl move away from boards they aren't comfortable with.

    janetr hugs & prayers for you & Grson.So hard seeing our "kids" going thru hard times.

    Heather...have a wonderful time on the cruise.

    That is all I remember.Hope we all have a great June. Will add a couple pics of clematisav1oztfsgpar.jpeg
    vines.One is climbing up a corner post on our back porch.Deep purple is near the front door. Pat

    Oh my those are beautiful flowers!!! Had to repost these!!
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,351 Member
    The flowers clematis pictures are beautiful! Ours have not flowered yet. Thanks for sharing!
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    solieco1 wrote: »
    Never have I seen an online forum where there is so much deep support. Not the superficial but deep caring and love for one another, even when difficult. Well done Ladies xoxo

    One thing that differs from just normal superficial "I am fine how are you" forums is that this form goes into the day to day struggles of life. That sharing is caring. That I am not in this mess alone business. It truly takes a village to make change and the most important part to APPRECIATE the change. I know this year of logging, of whining, of celebrating, of boasting, these ladies have supported and danced with me. And I love them. (yes yes I SAID it...I LOVE you ladies...get over it hahahaha). We are all aunties. (said with a Filipino accent).

    ((((hugs ya all in Oregon))))
  • APreciousF
    APreciousF Posts: 7 Member
    Glad I found this group! I'll be sixty next year and the struggle is real. I know with all certainty that you need a focused mindset. What does it for me is knowing that the best gift I can give to my loved ones years from now is my continued health and independence. There are so many things I'd like to do and I want to enjoy them to the fullest. Remembering this keeps me going.

    My goal for June 2016 is to enjoy family, food, and fun! BUT only after I have taken care of myself first by keeping up with my fitness goals and only indulging once per week (my cheat day or an actual holiday).
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    barbiecat wrote: »
    :) OK, after listening to Becca's account of her drive(s) from the north coast to Portland and back and then again and maybe again, and now Peach's account of driving back and forth through Atlanta to visit her mother, I'll quit whining about how I have to drive through Seattle once at the end of the month...I love how you all keep me right sized about my problems.

    Oh I commend you on driving thru Seattle friend!!! The speed limit is 75 mph, which is like LUDACRIS speed in my book!! Everyone is really driving 85 to 90..... I go 60 and that is my speed.... My car kind of hiccups if I try to make her go 75. And Pearl starts holding on to the dashboard at that moment. You all have met my Pearl haven't you? I will try to find a pic of her.
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    edited June 2016
    gobrongo wrote: »
    I've been enjoying reading many of your posts this morning and thought I'd introduce myself. Such a supportive group!

    Just before the Holidays last year, I had found my balance, albeit delicate. Was doing/feeling pretty good about my body and lifestyle and on a healthy and realistic diet/exercise routine.
    But soon after Christmas my dad passed on (he had been sick for a while) and that whole experience through me off track.
    That said, I am so grateful to have been there with him. He told me I was a good nurse. :) (I'm not a nurse but it was his way of telling me he was glad I was there.)
    He and I had a wonderful, sweet conversations. I miss him so much. He passed January 9.

    Now I'm dragging butt. Am trying to build up my routine again, but I'm just feeling saggy and disillusioned. I know there's grief but I'm also frustrated that I have to think yet again about my weight issues. I'm attempting to forget about it and the clothes I can't fit into and just do what feels healthy and good, but some days I look in the mirror and feel so downtrodden. What's the use? Wahwahwah

    So I'll do this instead. I'll move back to planning - here's the plan.
    Goal: 1.5 - 2 pounds a week (but weigh only every two weeks).
    Exercise: 20ish minutes of intermittent walking/trotting 5 days a week. Yoga and weights three days a week.
    Attitude: Keep it light and simple and realistic. Patience, persistence. Have fun.
    Life goal: Find a balance that becomes such a habit that it sticks with me (and I to it) through the next big challenge that rolls along.

    Thank you for putting up with my long post. Hopefully reading and sharing a bit with you all will help me shift my attitude a bit.

    B~ What a great gift to have all those memories of caring, and having sweet conversations with your late father. It's hard to lose your anchors, those people that keep you grounded and put your life in a kind of balance. You are just off-balance and hey that is normal. When my mother passed I felt like a was just drifting out on the ocean. (I'm a retired Navy wife so all my life seems to be sea-farng stories). I would be bobbing just fine one day, and a wave would come, emotions would come, and it was hard to breathe. Life slaps you in the face sometimes, but we humans are self-righting. You will find your "line of horizon" like pilots do when they are flying. You dive you soar but you find that line.

    Let me give you some great sayings to put on your frig:

    Losing weight isn't the key to happiness, happiness is the key to losing weight.

    Do not put all your emotional eggs in one basket.

    You don't have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great.

    Nothing tastes as good as healthy feels.

    Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, its about learning to dance in the rain!

    There you go :-)

  • ljdw99
    ljdw99 Posts: 359 Member
    Thanks for reposting, Becca since I didn't see them, don't know what that's about, and I so love clematis! These two specimens are lovely, patceohI had the very common purple Jackmanii cultivar for years then lost it one winter & have had problems ever since. these pictures have given me the impetus I needed...going to the nursery right now!

    GLo off to spend some more money on plants OMG on the North Shore of Ma
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    edited June 2016
    Alright, today shall be a busy one for DH and I. At noon we start the trek to OHSU in Portland. He can't eat after 3 PM so we will eat somewhere for lunch. Then do labs, and then WAIT around. He is having an MRI at 9:50 PM. From 4-9 will be waiting, because with his knee he isn't really up for going anywhere. I don't want to do the Sunset freeway during rush hr, so going early is our only option.

    We got a call from his doctor today, and he said hopefully this MRI will show something. The liver biopsy didn't show anything, (which is a great sign, but proves that they have to keep looking). The doctor did mention that it could be a stone blocking a duct. Normally stones are quite painful, but with him having the liver transplant, the doctors cut a lot of nerves so he might just not be feeling the pain of a stone. We shall see.

    Oooooh last night I took out my MIL's old Betty Crocker cookbook. I made some criss-cross peanut butter cookies, and they just melt in your mouth. I had my teenager sample them! the last batch of cookies I added some unsalted peanuts, dried cranberries, and walnuts, to make a "breakfast cookie" kind of thing. I had two this morning with my coffee.

    Yesterday afternoon I visited with my neighbor across our 2nd story landing in the apartment complex here. I helped her change a battery on her "TV ears amplifying device". She had been trying to open it since January she said. Poor thing. I told her to not wait that long, just knock on my door. She is the 90 yr old that swears like a sailor. She said she rec'd a speeding ticket and had to go yesterday at 6 PM to the courthouse in Astoria. It was $100 fine and she said she can't pay, so she told me she was going to bring her PJ's in case she has to stay in jail. She is priceless. Later on last night I knocked on her door and gave her a margarine container filled with my cookies (well 5 of them anyway).

    Hugs peeps
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Miriam~Girls brushing their hair is a social activity....it can last ALL day...hahaha... Great job in the posting of summer vacation rules. Good job in re-affirming that "good things come to those that wait" (wait meaning get the stuff done they are suppose to do).
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Miriam Enjoy the summer with those lovely girls, three years has flown by! I used to have a "hop to it" bonus for getting chores done quicker, like double bonus points, worked like a charm. But dawdling and being relaxed in the summer has it's pluses as well. I loved being lazy on the porch on a hot summer afternoon! Can't wait for my school vacation to start, 3 more weeks to go. Karen from NY
  • Igilchrist
    Igilchrist Posts: 11 Member
    My June goals:
    Exercise in Cardio: 2x per week
    Water water water: minimum 6 cups
    Gentle yoga for arms: 5x/week
    Hit my target numbers daily

    Thanks to everyone for your posts. We truly are all going through so many painful as well as enriching moments in our lives.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,645 Member
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Just re-watched ORION'S BELTE - all in Norwegian and hardly understood a word. ;) But DH did watch it with me. :D It's set in Penny's neck of the woods, during the Cold War.

    Had a nice lunch with my friend, but I was a little upset by her retelling the conversations my "difficult friend" had with them on their recent jaunt that I bowed out of. I know I would have exploded at her arrant, self serving nonsense. :o
    I have agreed to join them in London in November. I will not stay in her apartment. I will limit my time with her. This is for the sake of the others and for old time's sake. I do hope I can keep my temper. It is too much to hope that she will keep her mouth shut.

    When I came back from the pub my cleaner was there. She really helped me by serving as my "sounding board" as to which clothes to take, so now I have more or less got the right selection lying on the beds. Not packed yet, but progress. I really needed a third eye and ear as my brain was a mush and fog. I need 4 wardrobes, basically. Arctic gear, casual/informal gear, sports/swimming gear and very posh gear plus appropriate footwear and jewellery. :sad: Now I just hope I can fit everything in, including technology and drinking equipment.
    Packing woes :s

    Going to do my hair roots tomorrow and have to get some more cash to leave for the cleaner. She will water the garden and has taken my chilli plant away with her to babysit. I demolished my basil bush and froze the leaves to make pesto when we get back.

    Love Heather UK

    Heather UK You are probably way ahead of me but the last 3 trips were made easier by the use of Space Bags and Packing Cubes. Saved a lot of frustration, although the posh gear might not fare as well in a vacuum.

    Have fun!

    Karen in Virginia

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,310 Member
    Karen - Thanks for the tip! I've just looked them up on Amazon. Might be handy for future air trips. For this one it's more a matter of making choices as we're not flying. It was sooooooo helpful having my cleaner to bounce off this afternoon. I was just in a panic dither. :ohwell:

    Love Heather UK
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    edited June 2016
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    happy thurs.my main goal is to be more active here.Ive missed u all
    hugs jane
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited June 2016
    Two large dogs jumped the five foot fence of the goat pen yesterday evening and attacked the remaining goats. They killed two of them and injured the third. Floyd (next door neighbor/best friend) owns the goats, llamas and guineas. Jack help him clean up the injured goat and give her a shot of penicillen (sp) they think she will be okay. Two years ago a pack of dogs killed 3 of the goats so this is the last goat left. We think the Papa llama attacked the dogs because the one dog appeared to be injured, but both dogs got away. Also one of the guineas is missing since yesterday, so not sure if a dog or a fox got it. We live on only one acre, but Floyd owns about 12 acres in a L shape with wooded area and creek running thru it, which is just behind our house. Our property sits in the corner of the L.

    Janetr okc (still rainy and gloomy here)

    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    I never had a little girl; and, my 3 biological granddaughters' heads are very tender. This past Easter, my DYS's 'daughter-by-marriage' asked me to 'brush her hair' because she knew I had missed out on that ... and she is not tender-headed. We had so much fun bonding. She is such a sweetheart and her Mama raised her right. She loves my DYS as much as if he were her real Daddy.

    My June (and the rest of the summer) goals are:

    1) Get in the pool and exercise if it is sunny;
    2) Walk around the farm if the sun is behind clouds,
    3) Tract my food and drink,
    4) Keep up with posts, and
    5) ENJOY this time of the year which is my favorite!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,645 Member
    janetr - so sorry to hear about the goats. our neighbor's had a couple of pits got loose from their chains and latched on to each other. after mom and us separated them, one got loose and out in back. he got one of the baby goats and tore it up. I went out and chased after the dog and carried it back home, bloody mouth and all. was fine with humans, not so good with animals, that was so sad, I wasn't afraid at all at the time.