chambersrossl998 Member


  • Plain greek yogurt, purchased in bulk. Save all the money from prepackaged single servings, and I'm able to put whatever I want in it.
  • Back: Pull ups/chin ups Pendlay row barbell row dumbbell row seated row single arm cable row facepull Shoulders: barbell overhead press dumbbell overhead press Arnold press lat raises incline bench press (the higher the incline the more the shoulder is recruited) push press pin press To name a few. What are your goals and…
  • Many are not recommended for workouts such as cardio where the heart rate is elevated for prolonged periods of time. However, caffeine, which is a staple in most pre-workouts is known to increase energy. Another ingredient commonly found in many pre's is Beta-Alanine, which has some evidence that points to aiding cardio…
  • While starvation mode is a thing, it isn't something that is of concern to the average person attempting to lose weight. I would approach your first responder activities with the same light as exercise, and otherwise not use it as an excuse to eat back calories. Best bet is to track your calories and/or macros as you…
  • This routine has some imbalances, I would get on a proven beginner program such as Starting Strength or Fierce 5 and follow it to a T. A lot of guys struggle with mass in the mid-chest, focus on hitting your macros and progressing your lifts and the mass will come along, it takes time.
  • This is the easy way, that extra scoop alone should be around 25 grams.