jerb00 Member


  • Thanks for the feedback. I will watch and make adjustments as needed. I just wanted to make sure the jump wasn't too much st once. Never done a body fat assessment - not since high school. I don't go to a gym or anything so just sort of going on pic comparisons. And tape measure but that ain't movin...
  • Interesting read. Thanks.
  • Thanks for your replies. I was curious...
  • Thanks
  • Yes
  • I was set at 1200 cals last winter/early spring. Lost weight for sure, but was exercising, but I am 4'10. I would never recommend 1200 to anyone. As someone who already gets a lower cal allotment due to smaller size, it was terrible and I was meticulous about getting the right nutrients. And ratios. I still looked tired…
  • Thanks for the response. Yeah. Others have said that, too. Just surprised a bit that all my years of dance wouldn't have given me a good muscle base. Working on it...
  • Will it really? Cuz I have been at/just below maintenience for many months - almost a year with consistent lifting schedule- and while my arms and abs are looking good I can't seem to shift the fat from my thighs. Not a whole lot of revealing muscle underneath.
  • If I did increase my calories to try to build muscle, how many per day? I don't want to do too much and then have to really cut, ya know....
  • Oh, and getting stronger is cool but i am going for aesthetics. My goal is to look firm and tighter/toned. I wouldn't mind that my thighs are the same size as they are now, bigger even would be fine, but I don't want to be a jiggly. I just checked my tdee again and iifym and another put me right at 1457.
  • Sure. The amazing transformations are years apart. But there are some pretty great short term accomplishments that I have seen and haven't been able to achieve. I am super duper consistent. I did strong curves for almost the whole time. Switched a couple of months ago to strong lifts for a change and because it was easier…
  • I Kinda thought I was recomping. But, yeah, if I am it is s-l-ow...
  • Thanks! I guess j could increase my cals a bit again and see how things go with a new lifting routine.
  • Thanks for the suggestion. I am right now doing a wendler program with also includes bbb for added reps at a lower rate for hypertrophy. But I just read about it and am giving it a try. Not as many reps as you suggested though. Maybe I'll increase it but more...
  • This is sort of what I was wondering, actually. Am I just spinning my wheels cuz I'm not eating enough to grow but not really able to loose much more. I just don't want to really cut. I mean, that be like 1200 cals if i actually tried a bulk( which j don't really want to do) and i did that last spring and it was really…
  • I swear it's not. I don't think I am too heavy or fat. It is just that the fat I have is all in one place it seems. Whole family is like that but i am the smallest. I just see these transformations and I'd like to get on that train!
  • I am 4'10" and lost 6 ish lbs on 1200 per day with moderately heavy cardio most days in about 4 months. It was terrible though . I was calorie obsessed cuz I was really hungry. Looking back, at pics, I looked tired. I felt tired and was edgy. I am feeling much better now, maintaining around 98 lbs and eating 1400 calories.…
  • So after lots of thought, reading, and searching I decided on the full body wendler template with first set last included. MWF I do the program and TTh I do hip thrusts following thr pattern I use for the deadlifts the day before as well as a light cardio push up and ab roller circuit. I also figured out my real goal-…
  • Well, I figured out that using the dumbells as a kettle bell squat was really taking a toll on mex. as was the strong lifts program in general. I switched to a wider stance back squat and a full body wendler program and I am doing much better. Thanks for asking. Now...what to do when I can no longer lift the barbell over…
  • I do. Thanks. And what you said is in line with what I reread in the book. I find it a tad confusing because sometimes the plans conflict with each other. I figure if I am gonna do it I should take everyone's advice and do it right.
  • Thanks.
  • Thanks for the link - I checked it out. Unfortunately, I don't see an option for editing when I am in the app. It only gives me an option for creating a new recipe. Am I missing it?
  • Thanks. I was just actually playing around with it after reading through the book again but I wonder if you can help me- the template gives my the weights for the squatting everyday and also for the other lifts, but only sometimes. When incline press is the second lift listed it just says 10-15x. How do I figure out the…
  • Thanks. I plan to follow it the way it is written, but there are a lot of options. You mean the original way? He Says to do a main lift and then pick one accessory move from each of the three additional categories. Squats fall into one of the categories so I want sure if I could/should use them or not...
  • Ok. Thanks everyone for your quick responses. My goal- so vain but I wanna look better as I quickly approach my 40s. I have been tiny but curvy (pear shaped) and I would rather look and feel strong. I see my parents and friends' parents aging and the truth is I want to feel better than they do as I age. So I bought the…
  • Sincerely appreciate the suggestion but yikes it seems complicated. Far too complicated for what I can handle at this point. Not trying to cop out or anything, but I don't Have the mental stamina for something too complicated in this crazy season of my life. But I get that maybe my plain ain't the best. So...what to do…
  • I do feel the activation in the >75 lbs range, but higher than that I don't, so maybe it is a form issue. I'll try the tips you all suggested (minus the single leg cuz, while I intellectually understand their benefits, I hate them!!!). Thanks all!