What if it really isn't my diet???

jerb00 Posts: 155 Member
I have been very meticulous with my food intake for the past 11 months. Except for a short stint in the 1500 causing me to gain a little, I have kept it in the 1400s and maintained between 94-97 lbs. I have been following strong curves, strong lifts and wendler during that time. My abs are lookin good (though that wasn't s foible area for me before) I have definite definition in my arms and chest which is great. But...my trouble spot...thighs. No change. I mean I can certainly squat heavier, so I am getting stronger but everyone says the tape measure doesn't lie and it ain't movin. Staying steady as a rock. I see all these 6-7 month before and after pics and it is making me crazy. What gives? Am I destined to have trouble with this trouble area forever? I def see a bit more of a pump in my quads, and hamis, but the size And visible fat is still there. Not looking harder or toned really. 4'10 with an active job lift everyday with some cardio mixed in. Suggestions greatly appreciated!


  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    What exactly are your goals? Do you want to lose? I mean, you are already at a healthy weight and most likely you do not have the muscle base in your legs/thighs to support a lower weight, so your composition will not change unless you build muscle in the area.

    I carry fat on my lower body too.. but it came to the point where I was cutting and getting nowhere, so I bulked to create a better muscle base on my lower body which really helped. You can also try recomp if you don't want to bulk.
  • ercarroll311
    ercarroll311 Posts: 295 Member
    One thing that helped me get a little more size was, instead of the three sets of 10 reps of exercises, a couple people suggested I did more reps at a lower weight. On leg press, for instance, I do three sets: one of 50 reps, one of 30, one of 20, using the highest weight I can do at those numbers. It's like 2/3 of what my weight was for 10x3, but I've noticed some growth. I wanted to focus on my glutes, so I've done the same with single leg lunges on the squat rack and glute bridge. Pushing my muscles to fatigue that way at least has gotten me some gains in size these first couple of months. It is hard to gain much size eating at maintenance, though (which I am as well).

    Best of luck!
  • 22bleu
    22bleu Posts: 2 Member
    edited March 2017
    First of all, you aren't eating enough calories. You need to add in good fats, carbs and proteins to see the shape of your body change. You can lift heavy all day long but if you aren't fueling you're body, you are wasting your time. You can also add in some low weight, high rep days for your legs and this will help tremendously. Stay away from running. You want to use a stair master or do sprints (30 seconds sprinting, 60 seconds rest for 20 to 30 minutes). I've been in the same boat as you. I hold my weight in my legs and it can be very frustrating. I now compete in NPC Bikini competitions. Before I met my trainer, I was just like you. I focused on keeping my calories low or at a certain number and OBSESSED over those numbers. You just need to fuel your body PROPERLY in the kitchen and tear it down in the gym. Make sure you are eating proteins with every meal. Carbs the first three meals of the day. You can do this!!!
  • cathipa
    cathipa Posts: 2,991 Member
    To gain muscle you should be in a calorie surplus and lift heavy. Recomp is slow, but also another viable way to gain mass.
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    I'm guessing the only person thinking that your thighs are a trouble spot is you. There is really nothing you can do if you are already training a good bit that is going to reduce what little fat may still be hanging around there as you are already at the low end of a good weight. Eating more and building more muscle as mentioned above is a good idea.
  • jerb00
    jerb00 Posts: 155 Member
    You're at the low end of your healthy weight. You're exercising.

    I think this may be in your head. Have you ever heard of Body Dysmorphia?

    I swear it's not. I don't think I am too heavy or fat. It is just that the fat I have is all in one place it seems. Whole family is like that but i am the smallest. I just see these transformations and I'd like to get on that train!
  • not_a_runner
    not_a_runner Posts: 1,343 Member
    jerb00 wrote: »
    You're at the low end of your healthy weight. You're exercising.

    I think this may be in your head. Have you ever heard of Body Dysmorphia?

    I swear it's not. I don't think I am too heavy or fat. It is just that the fat I have is all in one place it seems. Whole family is like that but i am the smallest. I just see these transformations and I'd like to get on that train!

    I'm not seeing a lot of transformations take place in 6 months, unless they're someone who has already built a significant amount of muscle and simply lost fat to reveal it.
    Most of the amazing transformations I've seen are usually several YEARS apart.
    Muscle building takes time, especially when you are only eating at maintenance/trying to recomp.

    On another note, you mention 3 different programs you've been following in less than a year.... How consistent have you been with all of these? Generally you want to stick with something for a significant time before jumping to something else.
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    jerb00 wrote: »
    You're at the low end of your healthy weight. You're exercising.

    I think this may be in your head. Have you ever heard of Body Dysmorphia?

    I swear it's not. I don't think I am too heavy or fat. It is just that the fat I have is all in one place it seems. Whole family is like that but i am the smallest. I just see these transformations and I'd like to get on that train!

    I'm sorry it's so upsetting for you. You can't do much about genetics. I'm sure many ladies would gladly trade you legs.
  • jerb00
    jerb00 Posts: 155 Member
    sardelsa wrote: »
    What exactly are your goals? Do you want to lose? I mean, you are already at a healthy weight and most likely you do not have the muscle base in your legs/thighs to support a lower weight, so your composition will not change unless you build muscle in the area.

    I carry fat on my lower body too.. but it came to the point where I was cutting and getting nowhere, so I bulked to create a better muscle base on my lower body which really helped. You can also try recomp if you don't want to bulk.

    This is sort of what I was wondering, actually. Am I just spinning my wheels cuz I'm not eating enough to grow but not really able to loose much more. I just don't want to really cut. I mean, that be like 1200 cals if i actually tried a bulk( which j don't really want to do) and i did that last spring and it was really hard on everyone.
  • jerb00
    jerb00 Posts: 155 Member
    One thing that helped me get a little more size was, instead of the three sets of 10 reps of exercises, a couple people suggested I did more reps at a lower weight. On leg press, for instance, I do three sets: one of 50 reps, one of 30, one of 20, using the highest weight I can do at those numbers. It's like 2/3 of what my weight was for 10x3, but I've noticed some growth. I wanted to focus on my glutes, so I've done the same with single leg lunges on the squat rack and glute bridge. Pushing my muscles to fatigue that way at least has gotten me some gains in size these first couple of months. It is hard to gain much size eating at maintenance, though (which I am as well).

    Best of luck!

    Thanks for the suggestion. I am right now doing a wendler program with also includes bbb for added reps at a lower rate for hypertrophy. But I just read about it and am giving it a try. Not as many reps as you suggested though. Maybe I'll increase it but more...
  • jerb00
    jerb00 Posts: 155 Member
    22bleu wrote: »
    First of all, you aren't eating enough calories. You need to add in good fats, carbs and proteins to see the shape of your body change. You can lift heavy all day long but if you aren't fueling you're body, you are wasting your time. You can also add in some low weight, high rep days for your legs and this will help tremendously. Stay away from running. You want to use a stair master or do sprints (30 seconds sprinting, 60 seconds rest for 20 to 30 minutes). I've been in the same boat as you. I hold my weight in my legs and it can be very frustrating. I now compete in NPC Bikini competitions. Before I met my trainer, I was just like you. I focused on keeping my calories low or at a certain number and OBSESSED over those numbers. You just need to fuel your body PROPERLY in the kitchen and tear it down in the gym. Make sure you are eating proteins with every meal. Carbs the first three meals of the day. You can do this!!!

    Thanks! I guess j could increase my cals a bit again and see how things go with a new lifting routine.
  • jerb00
    jerb00 Posts: 155 Member
    cathipa wrote: »
    To gain muscle you should be in a calorie surplus and lift heavy. Recomp is slow, but also another viable way to gain mass.

    I Kinda thought I was recomping. But, yeah, if I am it is s-l-ow...
  • jerb00
    jerb00 Posts: 155 Member
    rybo wrote: »
    I'm guessing the only person thinking that your thighs are a trouble spot is you. There is really nothing you can do if you are already training a good bit that is going to reduce what little fat may still be hanging around there as you are already at the low end of a good weight. Eating more and building more muscle as mentioned above is a good idea.
    rybo wrote: »
    I'm guessing the only person thinking that your thighs are a trouble spot is you. There is really nothing you can do if you are already training a good bit that is going to reduce what little fat may still be hanging around there as you are already at the low end of a good weight. Eating more and building more muscle as mentioned above is

    Thanks for this. Perspective is a good thing...
  • jerb00
    jerb00 Posts: 155 Member
    jerb00 wrote: »
    You're at the low end of your healthy weight. You're exercising.

    I think this may be in your head. Have you ever heard of Body Dysmorphia?

    I swear it's not. I don't think I am too heavy or fat. It is just that the fat I have is all in one place it seems. Whole family is like that but i am the smallest. I just see these transformations and I'd like to get on that train!

    I'm not seeing a lot of transformations take place in 6 months, unless they're someone who has already built a significant amount of muscle and simply lost fat to reveal it.
    Most of the amazing transformations I've seen are usually several YEARS apart.
    Muscle building takes time, especially when you are only eating at maintenance/trying to recomp.

    On another note, you mention 3 different programs you've been following in less than a year.... How consistent have you been with all of these? Generally you want to stick with something for a significant time before jumping to something else.

    Sure. The amazing transformations are years apart. But there are some pretty great short term accomplishments that I have seen and haven't been able to achieve.

    I am super duper consistent. I did strong curves for almost the whole time. Switched a couple of months ago to strong lifts for a change and because it was easier to remember but I quickly couldn't increase the weight so I switched to wendler 531 full body with fsl and bbb. Not trying to program hop, strong lifts just increased weight too fast for me to keep up...
  • jerb00
    jerb00 Posts: 155 Member
    sardelsa wrote: »
    What exactly are your goals? Do you want to lose? I mean, you are already at a healthy weight and most likely you do not have the muscle base in your legs/thighs to support a lower weight, so your composition will not change unless you build muscle in the area.

    I carry fat on my lower body too.. but it came to the point where I was cutting and getting nowhere, so I bulked to create a better muscle base on my lower body which really helped. You can also try recomp if you don't want to bulk.

    Oh, and getting stronger is cool but i am going for aesthetics. My goal is to look firm and tighter/toned. I wouldn't mind that my thighs are the same size as they are now, bigger even would be fine, but I don't want to be a jiggly.

    I just checked my tdee again and iifym and another put me right at 1457.
  • jerb00
    jerb00 Posts: 155 Member
    If I did increase my calories to try to build muscle, how many per day? I don't want to do too much and then have to really cut, ya know....
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    You can either eat at maintenance or go just slightly above (around 125 cals above maintenance).. so recomp vs very slow bulk.. you can adjust from there.

    If you really don't like the idea of gaining at all, then in your case I would stick to recomp. Keep in mind it can be slow for some, especially to notice those changes.