JamiesMummyxx Member


  • Eat what you eat now and log it. Then you'll start running out of calories real quick and tomorrow you'll know that if your normal lunch contains 800 calories, you need to make it 600 (so I'm just gonna ditch the crisps and take an apple, and save myself 100 calories for my tea) .. then you can focus on the foods you love…
  • You just need to eat higher calories as opposed to eating more. Swap your chicken for beef or pork. Nuts instead of your chocolate. Add extra things to your salads or maybe another 1/4 tub of nuts to your smoothie. To be honest 300 calories isn't really alot to make up so something as simple as peanut butter in your energy…
  • I'm a bit of a rarity to be honest as I don't see how eating healthy has too be THAT expensive .. it can be done on a budget! Btw, 100% behind the food scale. £15 well spent. Turkey breasts. Turkey rocks. Any of your fav veggies are good, frozen is fine! £1 for a bag of brussels / sweetcorn / peas etc - awesome! Stir frys…
  • I like water, but I don't drink as much as I should as often as I should. I have 2/3 cups of coffee in the morning before work, a diet sprite and 500ml of water at lunch, and maybe an orange juice or something after work. (or alcohol which defeats the question) I do 12 hour shifts in a boiling hot residential home and so…
  • I second screw counting calories just have a few drinks and relax! We can't count 'em forever. :smiley: But if needs must, vodka and diet coke. Gin and tonic. A bottle of pinot will set you back between 600-700 I guess.
  • Everyone always wants to be bigger smaller taller thinner fatter fitter quieter louder...better bum, bigger boobs, smaller boobs, bigger lips, better teeth, smaller hips, different nose, freckles, no freckles!! Everyone feels this way about something at least once in there lives. Nope, we're never happy with our lot. But…
  • Weak is only trying to eat the 'good' foods and giving up in a month because it's too unrealistic. Strong is eating what you love in moderation and everything your body needs to keep running well. Spaghetti and meatballs is amazing and more than worth an extra work out or a smaller lunch. :)