Help... where to start... what to eat... ugh

Hey! So I've been on here for a few, and come read success stories and think " I can't wait until Im there" yet.... I don't know where to start, what to eat, how to even begin.... any help would be appreciated. Words of encouragement, something. I don't know.... I do know I want this weight off, I want to be healthy, I want to feel beautiful, I want to shop for clothes without dreading it. Just looking for some advice. Thanks again!!


  • HaleCry
    HaleCry Posts: 387 Member
    So. For now I'm just focusing on my calories (not macros). When I get to my goal weight I'll start to focus on macros but for now I'm not. I don't eat too unhealthily, I still eat fruit. But I don't deprive myself of anything, and if I want some chocolate I'll have some!

    I wasn't going to exercise until my goal weight either as I'm not really a fan of exercising (although I'm very unfit). Though for the past 5 weeks I've been doing the C25K program which slowly gets a beginner to run. And, I love it! I love feeling myself getting better, and being able to jog for 5 minutes straight when I couldnt even finish the 60 seconds the first week. I've lost 20lbs from my highest weight and I have about 30 to go. I've been trying to lost weight for years and this is the only thing that has worked. I think it's because I don't deprive myself of anything, so it's sustainable.

    Just start by buying a food scale (if you haven't already got one), weight and log everything (this is a must) and eat the calories that MFP gives you as well as half of your exercise calories if you do any. Trust the program, and you'll see results in a few weeks :)

    Add me for motivation if you want!!
  • Trish1c
    Trish1c Posts: 549 Member
    This app makes it easier than you think.

    Eat whatever you want. Yes, I'm serious. The app is going to teach you about portion control. It's mind blowing. For example, did you know one brick of Raman noodles is actually 2 servings? I think that's ridiculous because who eats 1/2 a package of Raman? But you learn a LOT by logging & reading labels.

    So start by logging. Then gradually decrease your intake. Using a smaller plate helps fool your eye.

    After you figure out what & how much you have been eating, start making better choices. For me one of those was adding cauliflower to my mashed potatoes. I eat cleaner, more whole fools with less processed foods although I love my Fiber One bars, They taste like a decant treat but really help me with fiber which is something I need. I don't have a sugar or salt issue so those aspects of the processed food don't have as much of an impact on me.

    As you get more into this you can weigh & measure your food.

    Add me as a friend if you like. The support I get in your news feed has been a tremendous boost.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    To lose weight, you need to consistently eat less than you burn. This is the same for everybody.

    To be able to consistently eat less than you burn, you need to eat enough calories, and get enough of all the nutrition you need, and eat food you like. This is individual, and can be done in an infinite number of ways. You just have to find a way, any way, that fits your preferences, needs, beliefs, life. What have you been eating up till now? Start there. Log it. Pay attention to how it makes you feel and what makes it easy or difficult to hit your calorie goal. Aim to do more of the things that work and less of those that don't work.

    Feeling beautiful and to stop worrying, that's something that often comes with confidence, and confidence often comes with knowing what you are doing (or conversely, not knowing what you are doing, but not caring, lol).
  • JamiesMummyxx
    JamiesMummyxx Posts: 9 Member
    Eat what you eat now and log it. Then you'll start running out of calories real quick and tomorrow you'll know that if your normal lunch contains 800 calories, you need to make it 600 (so I'm just gonna ditch the crisps and take an apple, and save myself 100 calories for my tea) .. then you can focus on the foods you love that make you feel good or are low cal for when you have a big breakfast and such.

    You don't get it after a day, or a week, but if you stay in (or close) to your calorie goal and you lose your first few lbs it becomes a thousand times easier.

    No point going in 100% porridge for breakfast, salad for lunch and chicken for tea without the pudding - because you can't live like that forever. Maybe a week. So here we can eat what we want when we want whilst learning how to make it all work for our lifestyles. Counting calories works.

    You'll soon start weeding out your snacks and learning portion control if you're honest when you log and don't let yourself get upset at the start. Give it ago and see how you get on
  • llbrixon
    llbrixon Posts: 964 Member
    Try your best to eat normal foods. The key is moderation and keeping those calories under control.

    Start slow by cutting back some of your high calorie foods you have been eating. I weaned myself off of a 8 can Mountain Dew habit when I started MFP.

    I started very slowly with walking for exercise.

    Look over other folks food logs. You can have the foods you love, but they have to be in moderation and they must fit in your calorie allowance for the day.

    Set your goal to lose a half to a pound a week. Go slow with your weight loss. It is a life style change. You must change your food life style or you will gain the weight back after working so hard to get the weight off.

    Weigh your foods.
  • Ashley2733
    Ashley2733 Posts: 56 Member
    Thank you all so much for the responses! They have helped and dont make it seem so ooverwhelming!
  • BuffMom84
    BuffMom84 Posts: 180 Member
    I've been telling myself that whatever I am doing now is better than what I was doing before!

    Tracking everything you eat, even if it is junk food, will make you take a look at what you eat and you will want to make changes.

    If I do want junk food, I take 1 serving size specified on the bag, put it in a bowl, eat it and be done with it. I used to just snack right out of the bag and before I knew it, half the bag would be gone.