chantelsheree88 Member


  • @ndj1979 i seek advice from my primary care who makes sure that my personal regimen is safe in regards to my height, weight, and bp. However, i also follow the advice of my nutritionist who advised me to eat before working out, but again to each is own! Everyone is different. I was just suggesting it to the OP because I…
  • @ndj1979 the OP doesnt have to but i think its wise to get an opinion of a doctor. I spoke with mine before trying to gain weight to make sure certain diets, foods and exercises were safe. My doc helped me tremendously but to each is own!
  • @richln i had to switch to lactose free products. They caused an extreme amount of bloating and stomach cramping.
  • Forgot to add that I gave birth to my son almost 4 years ago via c section in case anyone was wondering why my belly looked that way. I use to be so ashamed to post pics of it but now i can care less because its not about where you've been but where you're going!
  • I usually eat 30 minutes prior to working out just to give myself the energy. I wouldn't recommend working out on an empty stomach. I tried it twice and became very light headed and dizzy. Talk to your doctor about it!!
  • Great job! Keep pushing forward!!
  • I had the same issue. Try consulting with your doctor. I learned that I suffer from IBS which often makes me look bloated. I thought that I just had a huge belly. However, after learning more about it and taking necessary precautions, I have it under control. I posted my before and after photos somewhere on the board. If…