tsaundersjr Member


  • Yeah I am going to try deadlifts and see how I feel. I will start off light and go from there. Thanks!
  • He didn't say I couldn't do them again. Said I should stop for awhile while my knee heals. I am to let it rest and ice the knee (which I have been doing, and it feels better). I have some exercises to strengthen the knee (I should have went into more detail that is my fault). He also asked if I wanted to do physical…
  • I could try those. Though when carrying in heavy groceries inside the house it does sometimes hurt when carrying them upstairs. I think I need to avoid any extra weight that might cuse strain on the knee. I am doing some stretches to help strenthlen the knee. I could just skip squats all together :/
  • Thanks for this comprehensive list of workouts. I have found that this 2 Day Push/Pull routine works well for me with my limited schedule. http://www.motleyhealth.com/strength/weight-training-push-pull-split-routine