Nic_813 Member


  • Thank you for those tips. You know, I actually had ankle weight in my closet. Brought them out and will be using the from time to time. Today I picked some 3 & 5 pound weights. Decided to start small and maybe later do buy 8 or 10. Thank you.
  • I found so many inaccuracies. I can't believe how off it all was. Having a digital scale now is beyond helpful. I am hopeful that now I may see change. I decided to up way calories also. Let's see what the next 10-12 weeks bring. Thanks for the advise too. Appreciate all the help.
  • Just got one last week.
  • I use my Apple Watch to track my burn calories the most. It is on point to when I use the chest HRM. So I think I'm burning accurately.
  • I was thinking the same about maybe eating more or less than I was thinking. I log everything. Very particular on that for learning and also easy to show a doctor if needed. Helps me also keep up with my iron because of anemia. I recently got a digital food scale and just started logging more accurately since last Friday.…
  • Thank you. I've been thinking that I do need to up calories for some time now. I do think I'll give that another try. My son is 3 1/2. I have to say, I'm very glad I took charge of my health and fitness last summer. I have so much energy now to keep up with him and he loves dancing and going running with me. I'll…
  • I don't do weights. Just my own body weight during Pilates. I can't get to the local gym because of my son and they lack daycare. I run, dance, yoga/Pilates. Do programs like T25 and Insanity at times. I don't know why I don't get hungry. I don't take any supplements at all. I do feel that I need to up my calories. It…
  • I am anemic and I have gluten sensitivity. I try to limit my gluten intake. Last checkup was last month and 100% healthy other than those two things. But now that you mention it, I do stress a lot more in the last few months. My son was diagnosed with autism in February so I tend to just focus on him. Single mom too, so I…
  • I have recently upped my carbs. The gym local to me doesn't have daycare, so I do home workouts. (Live in a small town) I do try to switch up the running and dancing with maybe a T25 session.
  • Yes and I've been thinking this has got to be wrong which is why I upped my calories. When I started, way in the beginning, I was doing WW and my coach said that range was good. Now that I'm active, this can't be right. I did use one of those online calculations and it still brings us 1350-1400 calories a day. I usually…
  • Thanks for responding. My TDEE is around 2200. I used MFP suggestions and it took me back down to 1230 calories a day. For a month, I was working out a little longer 6 days a week and I went up to 1380 and no success. I'm 5'1 & im at 164 currently. The 1230 calories MFP suggested should help me lose estimated 2 pounds a…
  • You can do it! I started at the same and this week I hit ONEderland! Don't quit! I sent you a request. Good luck.
  • Hi. I'm a mommy of one little boy. I have lost almost 30 already and looking towards my next 30. I sent you a friend request.
  • My doctor suggested this program to me, so I under her supervision. Also, there are different phases to the plan. You don't stay at the low calorie range of 800-1000 throughout. The main goal is to develop a healthy relationship with food and to be in tuned with your body and know when to eat, not from boredom. It's a good…
  • Thank you. I've googled this and haven't found a thing and my couch didn't have a clue either. This does seem about right. It is normally what I've been getting. I've been on plan a month.
  • I know some people have allergies to soy but I seem to be okay with it. I'm just clueless. This shake is about 70 calories more than I was getting but also more protein and carbs. Not too happy with the carbs but even Slim Fast has way more. I will look into the IdealShakes also. Keep me posted on any more info you may…
  • Hey everyone. I'm 37, mom to one awesome little 2 yr old. I gained 60 lbs with my pregnancy and and extra 30 after he was born. Long story short...found out my ex was cheating my entire pregnancy, fell into a depression and my life was just about my son and not myself...I let myself go. Now, I am in a happier place and I…
  • I like the convenience of replacing a meal. It's helped me lose weight over the past month and a half. I was on Medifast but it's so expensive on my single mom budget. I like the program but I don't want to take away from my son. I have replaced my shakes with the EAS soy protein powder. It's higher in calories than what I…