pdgoffin Member


  • level 22 but now bored with it. Without any way to track where Pokemon are, there's little chance of me filling my Pokedex.. At the current rate, it'll take more than 5 years to evolve some of mine. They do need to fix that tracker.
  • Your picture and id suggests you're female. Well, amongst the differences between men and women is that women have vastly different levels of all sorts of hormones at different times of the month. And those hormones muck about with all sorts of things including water retention. Women, more than men, need to take a longer…
  • I've always been overweight. Not outrageously so 5lbs above the top of 'normal' so about 15 above the middle of the band. But since we had kids, various life changes and stresses have meant I went up by a few pounds here and a few more there until in May this year (2016) I was 210lbs (BMI about 32, I think) with bp 180/95…
  • Looking at those photos, if you're not having to beat men off you with a stick then it's only because you're so attractive that most men assume that you're completely 'out of their league' so they avoid talking to you as they assume you'd reject them. If women are saying negative things about you, it's because they're…