storygirl65 Member


  • I might be confused here. @KnitOrMiss is the number (9) you are referring to your HbA1c? I'm not up on the names, but is that the same thing as the as the fasting insulin result @MyriiStorm referenced, being 22.5? I just want to understand, after reading the thread, if 22.5 is the HbA1c, that indicates a blood glucose…
  • @MyriiStorm Not sure if the screenshot will come up, but it looks like that's an acceptable number. Are you having some type of issues that make you concerned about this number, I mean other the sugar cravings? Maybe after being off sugar for a while it will get easier to handle not having it, but be forewarned, once you…
  • Hello all, I'm Gina. It's 11/14 and I am just starting the challenge! I am hoping to take off 10-15 pounds by the first week of January. I've lost about 19 lbs. over the past few months, but the past few weeks have been a real challenge as far as keeping my eating under control - especially late night snacking. I don't…
  • I'm also trying to lose quite a bit of weight. I would love the support as well. My current problem is I don't know how to add friends!
  • Thank you for your service, ayrivera889 and BinaryFu! I'm looking at 40 pounds to lose, to start and then another 30-40 after that. It's a long road, but I am ever hopeful!
  • Hello from Euclid! I've been off this app for a year and boy do I need motivation!