Army vet, stay at home mom of 3, hot mess

So I pretty much struggled with being overweight for as long as I could remember. When I was 17 and decided to join the army, they told me to lose weight. So I did. 160lbs was my requirement to enlist for my height of 5'4". 3 years later I married my childhood honey and got pregnant with my first girl. I went from 160lbs to 220lbs. I ate terribly. 5 months later I was pregnant with my 2nd girl. 220lbs to 260lbs. I pretty much gave up and gained to 269lbs before I realized I couldn't torture my body anymore. This was March of 2015. I lost to 256 lbs (woohoo!) And got pregnant again with my last little girl. This time, I ate right and walked. A lot. They day I had her, I jumped on the scale. 244! Now I'm down to 227 and my final goal is my army weight of 160lbs. Care to join me on my journey? :)


  • NacoleO
    NacoleO Posts: 17 Member
    Hi, I'll join you. I have 50 pounds to lose.
  • tboz08202016
    tboz08202016 Posts: 134 Member
    Let's do this! I'm down 70ish but would like to lose 20-40 more.
  • ayrivera889
    ayrivera889 Posts: 14 Member
    Also on Instagram where I post my meals.. adry.riv
  • cincisk8r
    cincisk8r Posts: 206 Member
    Add me, I love new friends :)<3 XOXOXO
  • BinaryFu
    BinaryFu Posts: 240 Member
    Ex-Army, started off my journey solo at 398lbs. Knocked it down to a plateau of 325lbs and started on here. I'm now at 295 and I've got 95 more to go. Hop in, we've got a ways to go.
  • storygirl65
    storygirl65 Posts: 347 Member
    Thank you for your service, ayrivera889 and BinaryFu! I'm looking at 40 pounds to lose, to start and then another 30-40 after that. It's a long road, but I am ever hopeful!
  • veronicaharland619
    veronicaharland619 Posts: 2 Member
    Yas! I'll join you!
  • ericamack252
    ericamack252 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm in. I'm a army vet too. Looking for help to lose about 40 pounds.
  • ayrivera889
    ayrivera889 Posts: 14 Member
    Anyone on fb or instagram?
  • edup1975
    edup1975 Posts: 486 Member
    Hey where from. I'm on yahoo
  • edup1975
    edup1975 Posts: 486 Member
    Hey ayrivera889. Louisiana here. I have ya hoo.
  • ayrivera889
    ayrivera889 Posts: 14 Member
    Hey edup, I'm in FL. I do t have a yahoo.. but if you ever join any social media you can find me there. I post my progress pictures and food there