lynnskaggs Member


  • I’m so glad I asked because I didn’t realize it would be a problem to still eat at a deficit Thanks!
  • eat within your make muscle in the gym but you reveal it in the don't have to work out. but my biggest thing when starting was to stop drinking my calories....the sugary drinks (I had to give up diet soda too because it didn't agree with my body but that isn't the way with everyone)
    in Hello! Comment by lynnskaggs March 2017
  • I'm with ya....I have 4 boys (14, 14, 8, 7). I started with 90 to lose (100 would be nice but I think 90 is my real goal right now) I'm down 40 of it, 50 to go...I started out with just diet and recently added in working out....we got a Y membership and love it! we take the little boys to swim lessons (the 8 year old is…
  • me too....I don't take them over the weekend because I don't remember to....also too much iron messes with my thyroid meds....and I don't see a correlation between cravings and vitamins....last night I wanted something comforting but had taken vitamins all week so.....I doubt it. My iron gets so low that my gold jewelry…
  • I take an iron (because I have always been anemic) and Centrum energy....I've seen good results and have never heard anything bad, it's what my pharmacist suggested
  • I am currently taking a strength training class once a week and plan to continue that, I do the elliptical 3-4 times a week and spend some Sundays swimming with the kids, my friends and I have done a couple 5ks and plan to do our next in March so now I'll switch from elliptical to the track. I also try to incorporate some…
  • thanks in advance
  • that's exactly where I started 30 pounds ago....frustrated and feeling alone and like it was an impossible task! I had to go to a specialist who met with me weekly and then monthly for 6 months, taught me healthy eating, drink water (don't drink your calories) but more than that I had to pay for her services and so I felt…
  • The best thing I have done is set myself up with a group of people who keep me accountable, invite me to run or walk with them and share our meal ideas and then if I'm tempted to cheat I can text them but we also all weigh in mo day mornings and report our losses or gains