ellie666br Member


  • Thank you everyone!! I'm gana work more on toning. I'm making sure not to go under my calories. The reason I want to lose so much weight is because I talked to my doctor about me losing so much and he said that's ok. But I had forgot to ask him how fast. I really appreciate all of yall though :) if you want to add me I…
  • You can add me if you want :) I'm 5'9 and I did weigh 158. I've lost five pounds in a week. I'm trying to get to 130. I just started this last week. Our goals might be slightly different but i'll help motivate you on days you're feeling discouraged!
  • Drink lots and lots of water! Drink water when you're feeling hungry (and I mean a lot) and drink a glass of ice cold water before a meal to help your metabolism. Also, to feel full without using a lot of calories, eat a few bites of dry roman noodles without seasoning and drink some water. It'll swell and make you feel…