simi1421 Member


  • If he ever messages me back - I'll definitely ask! I do wonder, if you talk to someone too much, too fast - is there a way to rectify it?
    in Stress Comment by simi1421 November 2017
  • I meant that I dialed by accident because it's a weekday, and someone would be at work at 10:00 am on a week day.
    in Stress Comment by simi1421 November 2017
  • You guys are right - I might be reading too much into it because it's only been two days. But I'm used to people from online ghosting a person. I'll try too to see how it goes... and I don't expect to talk every day. What I DO expect is for this guy to ghost me.... so kind of just waiting for it to happen...
    in Stress Comment by simi1421 November 2017
  • I usually eat egg yolks, sometimes if I know that I am going to be eating something heavier for lunch or dinner, then I just do the whites...
  • I decided not to weight myself daily and have been doing it once a few weeks ... According to the weight I have tracked on my fitness Pal for the past year and a half ... Weight fluctuates between 140 and 150 year round ...
  • Do you guys think I should keep checking the scale ?
  • I'll try to be stricter about weighing foods and also trying to track calories I know I burned for sure ...for example 300 calories burned on elliptical today
  • I workout 5 times a week, I eat healthy, I am a bit confused in between tracking macros and tracking just calories... I'm not sure which of the two to focus on. Second, I do not eat back my exercise points...I used to be 174, I hit my goal weight of 134 and maintained it for 5 years, now I am at 145. I would like to get…
  • It gets hard to know what to believe ..
    in Pictures Comment by simi1421 June 2017
  • I took some advil, waiting for it to kick in. :) Just venting, because often times when I have a headache, I get tempted to eat sugar.
    in Headache Comment by simi1421 June 2017
  • I had my midafternoon protein bar ...
  • Hello! I found your story to be very inspiring. I would like to know, how old were you when you started lifting? Do you do cardio at all? I started doing 5X5 a few months ago, but keep having to take breaks in between. I am restarting the program as of today, and hope to find success with it this time. I used to be 175 and…