every morning for me
with PB2
You look great! Congratulations on all the hard work.
It usually never is here either but as of late it's been 3/$5
SO GOOD they are!
Great job! Congratulations on all the hard work.
Great job!
every morning.
Me too! SO GOOD!
I buy the peeled ones at the grocery store. The extra price is worth the convenience to me.
I really like the Ben and Jerry's. The SO DELICIOUS is good too but after eating it I have to camp out in the bathroom for a day.
5'6" SW: 348 - Size 54 pants and 4x shirts CW: 162 - Size 32 pants and Medium shirts GW: 155-160
SW: 348 CW: 162 GW: 155-160
Great job! Congratulations on all your hard work.
Great job! Keep up the good work.
SW: 348 CW: 160 GW: 157
down 188# in 20 months from calorie counting
marinara sauce = lumpy juice :|