A pull-up bar and weight assisted bands would help a bit more than a weight assisted machine (which I have always loathed).
Whoa, thats awesome!
You have 6 days left!! Today I finally got 5 straight sets of 10 reps with one minute rest intervals. I am buying a house so my home gym is all packed up and my work gym is my zone now. Its too difficult to scrounge a weighted dip belt in the gym here so I set off to do 5 sets of 10. Now that that's accomplished, I really…
Haircut matching the eyes
Hey, I hear ya. I skipped yesterday since I was waiting diligently all afternoon to sign for my Google Pixel phone from UPS. Then I went to class later that evening and got home around 11.
From Annapolis, MD living in Northern VA
How is your grip currently? If its your elbow, it could possibly be your grip but its most likely a release of tension followed by a quick re-tensioning of your ligaments at the bottom of your repetitions. Try to do your pull ups without completely straightening your arms all the way and without taking a break. This will…
Yesterday I did unweighted pull-up at my base gym. I almost got 5 sets of 10 reps except reached muscle failure on the 9th one on the last set. On an unrelated note, I did get my half mile time down to 2:55 which is close enough for government work.
I never understand your workouts. Are you doing 230 pull ups every day? How do you do sets, inside of your sets?
Man, yesterday I did 110 reps of shoulder press with just the bar (45lbs) to kick off. Then I jogged one mile. I then did bodyweight pull ups for 5 sets with one minute rest intervals. Set 1: 10 reps Set 2: 10 reps Set 3: 10 reps Set 4: 10 reps Set 5: 8 reps (to failure) I then did a half mile sprint in 3:05. Still need to…
Yesterday was kind of rough. I ended up not using any extra weight due to being at my local track. I just did 5 sets of 8 after I did a half mile sprint in 3:03. I need to get my sprint time down to 2:45 in one month for the half mile to get a perfect score for this tears fitness test.
Striving for failure on the last rep of your set. This ensures that you achieved muscle exhaustion and will maximize effectiveness of the workouts. Now because your doing it everyday, its not as important to reach muscle exhaustion everytime since that can cause some injuries. Just make sure that its really difficult every…
Start out with minimal resistance. Put as little assistance as you can while completing the minimum amount of reps for your training set. This will tear more muscle fibers and create deeper micro tears which will enable them to grow stronger faster.
I often wanted to travel to Antarctica.
pretty much the only way to do close grip is to do reverse grip (palms towards you) or "chin-ups" as everyone calls them. So just do reverse grip wherever you can place your hands and you will get the desired effect. The chin-ups work your biceps more while the palms out pull ups work your back and lats a bit more.
So today was a learning experience. I did a 6 rep warm up or 1st working set Then I put two 10lb plates in a draw string backpack and did 6 more (I felt like it was going to serrate my deltoids off) Next I tied the backpack to a weight belt to create a "dip belt" and this was the sweet setup. I did 6 more with 20lbs…
Cool! I'm down in Northern Virginia. Originally from Annapolis, Md.
Virginia, Stafford County. You?
Challenge can begin Saturday the 1st of October or Monday, the 3rd of October depending on your schedule.
Monday or Saturday. I will start a thread for our progress over the weekend. I will most likely start Monday.
You can't run TKD and CKD concurrently. One is carbs after each meal and the other is weekly refers after full depletion. Bulking on keto is a myth unless you are new to lifting. Insulin is one of the most Anabolic hormones aside from testosterone and without it, your gains are minimal to none since your body does not…
Accountant, so close!
How old were you guys when you got married? I'm 30 now, been married for 7 years.
One week until challenge begins!
Current. USMC, you?
michael phelps
Cool. Just joined. Now crap... I havnt done a burpee in... years?