dbroomy Member


  • What kind of cookie are we talking about. If its any good then no way you can stop at just 1. So my advice is have the cookie, but make sure it it one of those hard, out of date, crack your jaw type cookie from the corner gas station. That way you will most likely only eat half and will chuck the rest. DO NOT have an…
  • I got back on myfitnesspal today after being off of it for awhile, and I was greeted with the suitcase and "Welcome Back" message. I'm guessing that's new. it got me thinking to how many times I start on here, go a couple of months(or weeks) then stop. I'm hoping an accountability partner (I keep thinking AA sponsor) will…
  • I wonder if I could juice a cookie?
  • I do a variant of this recipe. I do everything -minus the cucumber. I will have to try it with it. I also like to add half a jalapeno. Great if you like a spicy kick!.
  • You can add me.
  • You can add me. I'm trying to keep motivated as well for the new year to lose weight.
  • Everyone in my house dresses up for Halloween. This year may plan (as long as I don't procrastinate) is to be a derivative of one of my favorite video game characters. Anyone heard of "Red Dead" ? Well I'm jamaican, so instead i'm going to be Dread Dead. No on in my house that it was funny, but I like it. I'm bald so I'm…
  • Stone mountain. My A/C unit barely made it through last years summer, so I'm so looking forward to this years (sarcasm). Sauna's help you lose weight, right?
  • I think running is great for losing weight. I think all other posts have been correct as well. Diet is key, exercise is key, combining cardio and strength. I have never had issue (knock on wood) with my knees and ankles. I do suggest you get proper shoes for your feet (depending on your arch and where you need more support…
  • Its all ups and downs. It would be great if we could just flip the switch and turn off our cravings. Your will power will come back You will win the struggle to resist eating bad (you will lose sometime, but hopefully win more) Don't worry about yesterday, just keep remember how good you feel when you do lose the weight.…