Is it bad to have a cookie while I'm on my diet?



  • lishie_rebooted
    lishie_rebooted Posts: 2,973 Member
    Calling it a "diet" is not good.

    Don't cut any foods from your diet (I mean this as eating plan) just to lose weight unless you plan on never eating the food again.
    Because that's a bad idea.
    You won't be preparing yourself for maintenance.
    And cookies are delicious.
    Unless they're burnt.
    Or white chocolate macadamia nut. Eck.

    That's blasphemy... Those are the ONLY ones at Subway worth eating. lol

    I can't say that I've ever even had a Subway cookie...
    But in my opinion, as a rule of thumb, white chocolate macadamia nut cookies are yucky.
  • sloopem112
    sloopem112 Posts: 3 Member
    Account for it and enjoy it! In my experience, too much deprivation = binges. Try to reframe your thinking; instead of diet, healthy changes.
  • Mexicanbigfoot
    Mexicanbigfoot Posts: 520 Member
    Cookie Monster would tell you to "Keep Calm and Eat Cookies"

    at least, that is what my tshirt is telling me today :bigsmile:
  • tomandshell
    tomandshell Posts: 32 Member
    My own philosophy: I have been on a diet. Eating at a 1000 calorie per day deficit is NOT a permanent lifestyle change. It is a temporary diet. Now that I have reached my goal, I will be switching to maintenance.

    It has been important for me to recognize that the drastic calorie reduction I've been living with is temporary. As I have reached my goal, my calories per day are going to start increasing as I move out of diet/weight loss mode, and that allows more freedom to add in treats like a cookie. Of course, it will still need to fit in my daily calorie budget--and that will never again be as high as it used to be. Even if you do give up something during the diet/weight loss stage, you can think about adding it back in (in moderation) when you transition to maintenance mode. That is when I will personally start thinking in terms of a permanent lifestyle change. But at that point, it will be a treat to start increasing daily calories, incrementally and without guilt. So even if you don't have room for a cookie every day, remember that you are working towards a healthy state that will allow you to indulge responsibly--just not to the extent that you might have enjoyed previously.
  • kensteven
    kensteven Posts: 9
    Absolutely NOT!!!!!!!. You mention you are new to diet. Why are you already thinking about cookies? That's how you gained the weight in the first place right? 1 Cookie today then 2 cookies on Friday because you exercised hard. There are all sorts of ideas for healthy deserts on the internet. Instead of eating a cookie, research the net for healthy snacks. :smile:
  • lessbounce
    lessbounce Posts: 250 Member
    Good god no. Have the dam cookie if you want it. Just if you are serious about your diet don't do it every day. I'll be way over today, but I was way under yesterday
  • amcook4
    amcook4 Posts: 561 Member
    If I cut out sweets all together, I'll never stick to it. 80% of the days I'm still eating something sweet, a cookie, miniature candy bar, etc. The key, make sure it fits in your calories, you log it and eat in moderation! Enjoy your cookie :)
  • dbroomy
    dbroomy Posts: 17 Member
    What kind of cookie are we talking about. If its any good then no way you can stop at just 1. So my advice is have the cookie, but make sure it it one of those hard, out of date, crack your jaw type cookie from the corner gas station. That way you will most likely only eat half and will chuck the rest.

    DO NOT have an Entenmanns Chocolate chip cookie. Actually there is no such think as an Enternmann's chocolate chip cookie, the can't exist in single units (you have to eat like 3 at once). Right now I'm trying to figure out how I will stop myself from buying (and eating ) a box on the way home. They are so soft and delicious. Myfitnesspal is going to ban me from the site if I keep giving praise to those tasty and joy bringing cookies. :-)
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    To keep me from totally blowing this thing, I have to keep my sweet tooth happy so I allow myself 3 miniture reeces peanut butter cups a day...that totals 132 calories but well worth it!! Realistically you cannot go the rest of your life without a cookie here or a piece of candy is all about moderation.

    ^This!'s all about moderation.

    Eat well most of the time....but allow for treats so you won't binge later. Losing weight and keeping it of is about making better choices....not perfect ones.
  • RHachicho
    RHachicho Posts: 1,115 Member

    I will just leave that there. If it fits your calories go for it. Just keep it in moderation. Neither lad nor lass can live on cookies alone.

    Only cookie monster knows the ancient secrets of the cookie only diet. And he isn't sharing the B*stard.
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    OP, if you have the self control to eat one cookie, or whatever a serving size is, without losing yourself and making sure you're getting all your nutrients in, there's no reason you can't have one every day if you want.
  • 1HappyRedhead
    1HappyRedhead Posts: 413 Member
    No foods are "bad".... as has been said previously, if it fits, have it.... I have cookies on many days, so if it's "bad", I'm in trouble! :blushing:
  • lishie_rebooted
    lishie_rebooted Posts: 2,973 Member
    Absolutely NOT!!!!!!!. You mention you are new to diet. Why are you already thinking about cookies? That's how you gained the weight in the first place right? 1 Cookie today then 2 cookies on Friday because you exercised hard. There are all sorts of ideas for healthy deserts on the internet. Instead of eating a cookie, research the net for healthy snacks. :smile:

    This is wretched advice.
    If I want a damn cookie, im gonna eat it. Finding a so-called healthy substitute isnt gonna fly. My mental health is very important and eating an apple smeared with PB while delicious while not satisfy the cookie craving. In fact, I'd still go find and eat a cookie thus putting myself over my limit with the 'healthy substitute' which is worse than eating the cookie anyway. (Not that I particularly care if I go over my calories or not tho lol)
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    Absolutely NOT!!!!!!!. You mention you are new to diet. Why are you already thinking about cookies? That's how you gained the weight in the first place right? 1 Cookie today then 2 cookies on Friday because you exercised hard. There are all sorts of ideas for healthy deserts on the internet. Instead of eating a cookie, research the net for healthy snacks. :smile:

    Don't follow this!

    If you want the cookie make it fit into your day, yesterday I made these yummy brownies they are filled with Reese's peanut butter cups, Rolo's, cream cheese, and crushed pretzel sticks. I had 2 of the brownies yesterday and they fit into my day without a problem.


    You can eat treats just make sure you are making it a part of a well balanced diet.
  • It's like a wise nutritionist says, "A cookie is a sometimes food." ;)
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    Absolutely NOT!!!!!!!. You mention you are new to diet. Why are you already thinking about cookies? That's how you gained the weight in the first place right? 1 Cookie today then 2 cookies on Friday because you exercised hard. There are all sorts of ideas for healthy deserts on the internet. Instead of eating a cookie, research the net for healthy snacks. :smile:

    Don't follow this!

    If you want the cookie make it fit into your day, yesterday I made these yummy brownies they are filled with Reese's peanut butter cups, Rolo's, cream cheese, and crushed pretzel sticks. I had 2 of the brownies yesterday and they fit into my day without a problem.


    You can eat treats just make sure you are making it a part of a well balanced diet.

    Is it paleo?
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    It's like a wise nutritionist says, "A cookie is a sometimes food." ;)

    Was he Italian?
  • mactaffy84
    mactaffy84 Posts: 398 Member
    Gonna kill you to have a cookie..... Seriously, though, why such a question???
  • PetulantOne
    PetulantOne Posts: 2,131 Member
    Absolutely NOT!!!!!!!. You mention you are new to diet. Why are you already thinking about cookies? That's how you gained the weight in the first place right? 1 Cookie today then 2 cookies on Friday because you exercised hard. There are all sorts of ideas for healthy deserts on the internet. Instead of eating a cookie, research the net for healthy snacks. :smile:

    Don't follow this!

    If you want the cookie make it fit into your day, yesterday I made these yummy brownies they are filled with Reese's peanut butter cups, Rolo's, cream cheese, and crushed pretzel sticks. I had 2 of the brownies yesterday and they fit into my day without a problem.


    You can eat treats just make sure you are making it a part of a well balanced diet.

    :love: Those look amazing!

    OP- Like most everyone else has said, if the cookie fits into your day, eat it. I regularly eat cookies, chips, etc. It didn't hurt my progress a bit.
  • mommy22alyns
    mommy22alyns Posts: 25 Member
    Eat that cookie and enjoy every bite! I'd go nuts without some sweets too. Just fit it into your calories and you'll be fine. BTW, buying one cookie at Subway is way better than buying a package to take home.